What is Digital Signature Certificate? Uses and application!!!

Digital Signature:  

A digital signature is an electronic form of signing
documents and information’s through web based contents.   When you will proceed to apply online for Company Registration at www.mca.gov.in or trade mark registration at http://ipindiaonline.gov.in/, these government’s sites will ask for digital signature to create account in these site. Without digital signature, you will be unable to proceed further.  

A Signature Digital Certificate is an electronic form of a signature issued to an entity (i.e. individual or a department) that helps to prove that entity’s identity. The Digital ID binds an individual’s verified identity (typically including the name, company name and email address of the
Digital ID owner) to a unique cryptographic credential.

It helps to prove ownership of a massage sender or signer of documents or file so receiver can’t claim it later. It is easily transportable and can’t be imitated by someone else.  

Digital Signature is work as online identity proof. It’s just like that when you have to apply for any new motor vehicle registration, you have to submit photocopy of ration card, aadhar card, driving license, voter card etc as your identity proof. It proves your identity and authenticity. Similar in case of online transaction, application, registration etc, one have to submit identity proof. For online purposes, Digital signature
works as your Identity proof. It is issued to an entity (i.e. individual or a
company or a department etc) that helps to prove the entity’s identity.

What is Digital Signature Certificate?  

A digital Signature Certificate is an electronic record that contains all information about identity of person or organization to which digital
signature certificate is issued along with details of Certifying Authority. It contains all information about user identity i.e. Name, address, pin code, city, state, country e-mail id, contact information and other details. It is valid for one or two year.  

Why should you need to get a Digital Signature Certificate?  

It provides high level security while online transactions and exchange of information’s occur. A digital signature certificate provides
your identity and authenticates it.  

How can you get a Digital Signature Certificate?  

Digital Certificate can be obtained from seven authorized Certifying authorities. Certifying Authorities are given below: (Click  

You can approach any of above CA to get digital signature. The
office of Controller of certifying Authorities issue certificates to Certifying Authorities and Certifying Authorities (CA) issue certificate to end users.

How to apply:

  • Apply using our online registration or Authorized agencies through
    Certifying Authorities
  • Make payment online
  • Pickup of application form by CA [Subject to availability of
    pickup facility in the specified city/town]
  • Download certificate after verification and approval

Documents Required:  

For Individuals:  

  • Attested copy of Identity Proof i.e. Passport, Voter Id,
    Aadhar Card, Driving License, Pan Card etc
  • Attested copy of Residential Proof i.e. Electricity bill,
    phone bill, water bill etc

  For Company or Organizations:  

  • Attested copy of Identity Proof i.e. Passport, Voter Id,
    Aadhar Card, Driving License, Pan Card etc
  • True copy of anyone of the following documents i.e.
    certificate of Incorporation or memorandum of Association/Articles of Associations or Partnership deed or Post office ID card or any business license
  • True copy of anyone of the following documents i.e. Annual
    Reports, Income tax return, bank detail etc
  • Authorization Letter

Classes of Signature Certificates:

  • Class 1
  • Class 2
  • Class 3

Types of Certificates:  

Signature Certificate:  

Signature certificate is a private key used by individuals or organizations for signing purposes. This key pair is generated in a secure process by applicant/subscriber and is inherent to keep his private key in safe

Encryption Certificate:  

Encryption Certificate is issued by certifying authorities to subscriber after verifying application, id proof and address proof and approves the request of generating Encryption certificate. Subscriber creates a
password at CA portal for protecting the encryption certificate. Encryption key is generated by server and available for the customer at portal. Customer can download his encryption certificate by login at CA’s website.  

SSL server Certificate:  

SSL server certificates is applicable to web servers and
related organizations. These are the digital identifications which contains information regarding web server and the organization that is owning the server’s web content. SSL certificate is used to authenticate the serve, web content validity checking and for establishing a secure connection.  

Code Signing Certificate  

Code Signing Certificate is used to identify the signer to determine
if codes have been modified by someone other than the signer.  Code signing certificate helps user to develop confidence in downloaded code. 

Document Signing Certificate  

Document signing certificate is used to authenticate documentation and information attributed to person or organization.  It helps reader to check the authentication of concern document and information.  

Uses of Digital Signature Certificates:

  • Digital Signature ensure confidentiality
  • Secure message encryption
  • For web based transactions security and secure mails
  • For identification of other participants of online
  • For proving ownership of domain names
  • For proving ownership and authenticity of any software or
  • Filling online tenders, procurements etc
  • Signing online forms, sheets, MS files etc
  • Filling income tax return and other online transactions
  • Applying for online company registration, trade mark
    application filling and in many other applications

 Hope above information is useful to you…   For any query and detail, mail us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com  

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