Showing 160 Result(s)

Cefuroxime axetil :

Cefuroxime axetil :  It is resistant to most beta lactamase and is active against a wide range of gram positive gram negative organisms.  The most important use of cefuroxime is in meningitis caused by H. influenza, meningococci and pneumococci, because it attains high concentrations in c.s.f. Indications:  Respiratory tract, genitor- urinary tract, skin and soft …

Cefpodoxime proxetil :

Cefpodoxime proxetil :  It is a bactericidal and kills bacteria by interfering with the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall .  It is stable in the presence of beta lactamase enzyme, a number of beta lactamse producing organism resistant to pencillin other cephalosporines are likely to be susceptible to cefpoxime. Indication :  URTI including pharyngitis …

Nimesulide :

Nimesulide :  It is a analgesic and antipyretic in action, apart from its anti inflammatory action.  Unlike other NSAIDs the chemical structure of nimesulide does not contain a carboxylic group but a sulfonanillide moiety as the acidic group.  It is absorbed rapidly and completely after oral administration.  It acts by inhibiting the release of tumour …


Amoxicillin : A Semi-synthetic antibiotic with a broad spectrum of bactericidal activity against Gram+Ve and Gram -Ve microorganism. Indication :  Respiratory tract infection,  Urinary tract infection.  Soft tissues and skin infections.

Betahastine dihydrochloride

Betahastine dihydrochloride :  It is an orally active histamine analogue.  It has been used to control vertigo in patients of menieres syndrome.  Possibly acts by causing vasolidation in the internal ear. Indication:  Vertigo,meniere syndrome.


Azithromycin :  It is an azalide antibiotic, a subclass of the of the macrolides.  It retains the spectrum of activity of entromycin against gram positive and gram negative pathogens and has increased activity against many gram negative a typical micro organism.  It has a greater acid stability then erythromycin and its gastrointestinal tolerance is better …

Cefixime tryhiderate

Cefixime tryhiderate :  It is third generation oral cephalosporin, effective against a wide spectrum of sensitive gram positive, gram negative and anaerobic bacterial pathogens including beta-lactamase producing strains.  It has high infinity for pencilin binding proteins with varying site of activity. It acts by inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis.  Indications :  Infections of respiratory, …

Ofloxacin :

Ofloxacin : It belongs to a class of drugs called quinolone antibiotics It works by stopping the growth of bacteria Indication:  Genitor urinary, respiratory, gastro intestinal, skin and soft issue infections. Peritonitis, ganorrhoea.


Chlorzoxazone:  This compound is chemically unrelated to neohanesin and the other relaxants, nevertheless its pharmacological actions and uses are similar to them. Indication :  Skeletal muscle spasms.

Diclofenac potassium:

Diclofenac potassium:  It is non steroidal anti inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic, drug.  Diclofenac ihibts prostaglandin synthesis by interfering with the action of prostaglandin synthatase which explain its action.  It is ideally suited for patients on sodium free diet, hypertensive patients to treat painful inflammatory conditions of patients on diuretic thearapy. Indication :  Post operative and …