How to find Ayurvedic Herbal Raw Material Supplier?


I am a professor at pharmacy college and my qualification is Phd in pharmacognosy (medicinal plants). I am excited to establish a herbal industry/business and came across your informative article.
How I come to know about raw material suppliers?
I need your guidance in near future.


Hope you have read our Article: How to start Ayurvedic Company?

In above article, you will find all details regarding starting Ayurvedic Marketing/business and Manufacturing company.

Raw material supplier you can find through searching at internet. Just go to Google and Search for raw material supplier for Ayurvedic Products. You will get a complete list of Raw material suppliers. Or you can send your queries at business portals like India Mart, trade India, Exporter india etc for supplying raw material for Ayurvedic Products. They can help you to connect to number of suppliers all over India.

We can also help you finding raw material for you by providing you information of suppliers. You can contact them as per your needs. But be careful while choosing quality of herbs. You should ask for sample first for checking quality. You are PHD in pharmacognosy, so it will be not difficult task for you to check quality of herbs.

We will welcome your all queries in future also Hope above information was helpful to you…For any query and suggestion mail us at

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