What is the meaning of packing like 10*10, offers, alu-alu packing? and How to choose pharma franchise companies?


Briefly explain about Products packing like 10*10/10*6 and ALU-ALU, Blister, strip, mono cartoon, outer cartoon, pet bottles, vials, ampoules etc.


10*10/10*6 Packaging:

10*10 packing means box has 10 strip and each strip has 10 tablets or capsule. Box has total 100 pieces of dosage form. It may vary product to product or dosage form to dosage form.
First 10 stand for strip in a box and second 10 stands for tablet/capsule/dosage form in a strip or pack. Like wise if take example of 10*6 pack size. It means box has 10 strip and per strip has 6 pieces of dosage form.

There is two type of packing mostly used in pharmaceutical tab/cap preparation. One is blister pack and second one is alu-alu. Read more about procedure for packing material in third party manufacturing here

Alu-Alu Packaging:

Alu-alu packing meaning aluminium foil at upper and lower side of pack as shown in image below.

Alu-Alu Packing Example

Blister Packaging: 

Lower side is of aluminium foil and upper side side is of PVC material as shown in image below. PVC may be of transparent or amber color or any other as per requirement.

Blister Packing Example


And also what does 10+2 and 30+10 offer means ?


10+2 means 2 units is free if you purchase 10 units. Unit may be box, piece, strip or any other thing. And same for 30+10
10 units are free if you purchase 30 units.
Offers vary time to time and company to company.
read more: How to match sale and purchase stock if company give free goods?


I have Company 1 ( not mentioning name here), Company 2 and Company 3 companies offers and price list. but how to choose ?


Range of products, mrp and other similar prospects. Compare rates, products, packing, brand names, packing of products etc. You should contact directly with responsible or authorized person of company (generally management person or general manager or director or marketing manager) before finalizing all aspects.

You should clear all matters and disputes before start. read more  Which Pharma Franchisee Company (PFC) or PCD Company will be best for association?

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