How to apply for GST (Goods and Service Tax Identification Number) Registration?

What is GST?

GST is stand for Goods and Service Tax. Goods and Service Tax is a indirect tax which replaced all existing indirect taxes levied by State and Center Government in India. It was applicable from 1st of July 2017. It was much awaited tax reform that will help in One India, One Tax vision.

Previously applicable Sale Tax Identification Number (Central Sales Tax/Tax Identification Number/Value Added Tax) was replaced by new Tax structure i.e. Goods and Service Tax Identification Number (GST). Firstly provision registration for GSTIN was carried out for firms and companies already having sale tax number. Enrolments was doing state wise and government has issued a schedule for enrolling your firm or company in Goods and Service Tax Network.

You taxpayercan apply for GST by following procedure:

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For applying for GST, you can follow following Steps.

1. Access the URL. The GST Home page is displayed.

2. Click the Services > Registration > New Registration option.

Alternatively, you can also click REGISTER NOW link.

The Application form is divided into two parts as Part A and Part B.

Part A:

3. The New Registration page is displayed. Select the New Registration option.

4. In the I am a drop down list, select the Taxpayer as the type of taxpayer to be registered.

5. In the State/UT and District drop down list, select the state for which registration is required and district.

6. In the Legal Name of the Business (As mentioned in PAN) field, enter the legal name of your business/ entity as mentioned in the PAN database.

7. In the Permanent Account Number (PAN) field, enter PAN of your business or PAN of the Proprietor.


• PAN is mandatory for registration with GST.

• In case you don’t have PAN, you can apply for PAN. To do so, click the here link.

8. In the Email Address field, enter the email address of the Primary Authorized Signatory.

9. In the Mobile Number field, enter the valid Indian mobile number of the Primary Authorized Signatory.

Note: Different One Time Password (OTP) will be sent on your email address and mobile number you just mentioned for authentication.

10. In the Type the characters you see in the image below field, enter the captcha text.

11. Click the PROCEED button.

Note: On clicking proceed, GST Portal displays all the GSTINs / Provisional ID’s / UINs / GSTP IDs mapped to the same PAN within the State. Click the PROCEED button.

The OTP Verification page is displayed.

11. In the Mobile OTP field, enter the OTP you received on your mobile number. OTP is valid only for 10 minutes.

12. In the Email OTP field, enter the OTP you received on your email address. OTP is valid only for 10 minutes.


• OTP sent to mobile number and email address are separate.

• In case OTP is invalid, try again by clicking the Click here to resend the OTP link. You will receive the OTP on your registered mobile number or email ID again. Enter both the newly received OTPs again.

13. Click the PROCEED button.

The system generated Temporary Reference Number (TRN) is displayed.

Note: You will receive the TRN acknowledgment information on your e-mail address as well as your mobile number.

14. Click the PROCEED button.

Alternatively, you can also click Services > Registration > New Registration option and select the Temporary Reference Number (TRN) radio button to login using the TRN.

Part B:

15. In the Temporary Reference Number (TRN) field, enter the TRN generated and enter the captcha text as shown on the screen.

16. Click the PROCEED button. The Verify OTP page is displayed. You will receive same Mobile OTP and Email OTP. These OTPs are different from the OTPs you received in previous step.

17. In the Mobile / Email OTP field, enter the OTP you received on your mobile number and email address. OTP is valid only for 10 minutes.


• OTP sent to mobile number and email address are same.

• In case OTP is invalid, try again by clicking the Need OTP to be resent> Click here link. You will receive the OTP on your registered mobile number or email ID again.

Enter the newly received OTP again.

18. Click the PROCEED button.

19. The My Saved Application page is displayed. Under the Action column, click the Edit icon (icon in blue square with white pen).


• Notice the expiry date shown below in the screenshot. If the applicant doesn’t submit the application within 15 days, TRN and the entire information filled against that TRN will be purged after 15 days.

• The status of the registration application is ‘Draft’ unless the application is submitted. Once the application is submitted, the status is changed to ‘Pending for Validation’.

The Registration Application form with various tabs is displayed.

On the top of the page, there are ten tabs as Business Details, Promoter/ Partners, Authorized Signatory, Authorized Representative, Principal Place of Business, Additional Places of Business, Goods and Services, Bank Accounts, State Specific Information and Verification. Click each tab to enter the details.

Note: Details to be entered in Bank Accounts tab has been made optional w.e.f. 27th Dec 2018 . You can now enter the Bank Accounts details by filing an Amendment application only. Post grant of GSTIN, when you login for the first time on the GST Portal, you will be prompted to file a non-core amendment application to enter Bank Accounts details.

Documents required for applying for GSTIN:

  • Digital Signature Certificate (Class II)
  • Sales Tax Identification Number Copy
  • Address Proof of Business Entity
  • Proprietor/Partners/Directors Address Proof
  • Aadhaar Card, PAN and Image etc
  • Ownership Proof or Rent agreement
  • Partnership deed or memorandum of association/certificate of incorporation
  • Back Statement and Bank Detail

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