How to earn online through part time work at Home?

our Earning:

  • Earnings will be based on your individual capacity, effort, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. 
  • Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. 

The below pages we have list the Paying website links, Instructions to how to proceed.  And also we have given how to create blog in blogger, Weebly etc. as a free bonus.

Content Covered:

  • Create Website(Blog) in 
  • Earn By Google Adsense 
  • Create Website(Blog) in 
  • Create Website(Blog) in GoogleSites 
  • Reading Emails Jobs links And Instructions 
  • Online Survey Jobs Links And Instructions 
  • EMAIL SENDING JOBS links And Instructions 
  • Data Entry Jobs Links and Instructions 
  • Free Classified Websites To Post Your Adsense 
  • Website To Earn Money 
  • Video Tutorials 

Please Note: – We Explained Instructions With Images In Some Pages.

How to create Blog or Website:

Here Am Going to explain, How to create blog for Google Adsense using and

What is is nothing but, you can create your own blog (ex: website) as free in

What is is nothing but, you can create your own blog (ex: website) as free in Create your own Website on blogger like –

Follow these steps to get started: You need one Gmail account for using Blogger. So if you don’t have a Gmail account, just create your account on After that you will get the username and password for Gmail.

This is better if you make a new Gmail account. Just click the link to open Gmail account.

Link: Now visit We explained with images. But images are not opening immediately. Wait for the image to load completely.

Click On the Create our Blog Now,

On the Step 1 of 4 pages, it asks for the Display name. Give your name or any name you like. (Please Wait For Image to Load)

Accept the terms and click continue.

On The Step 2 of 4 Pages, Its Ask For the Blog Title and Blog Address (URL). (Please Wait For Image.

Blog address (URL) is your website address. You are choosing the half portion of your website preceding For example, if I were to choose pharmafranchiseehelp the entire URL (website name) would be All you need to focus on is the portion of the URL that you have control over. Then click Continue. Try with different name until you get the available address.

On the Step 3 of 4 pages, its asks for Choose a template. The template is your bog’s page design. Click any thumbnail sample you see on this page for a full-size version. You may change from one template to another at any time, even after you’ve started posting entries to your Blog (PLEASE WAIT FOR IMAGE)

To create a new post, you need some good contents and articles. Genuine contents are key for attracting readers. Create new and original content for best results. Create your post at your blogger website and then click Publish Post.

Place Google Adsense ads on your Blogger website. Adsense approve any website and blog only if it is six month old and satisfy the Google term and conditions. For Submitting your url blog to Google Adsense, You have to submit your blog to Google.  For this Click on the below link to submit your blog for Adsense to Google. visit to

After submitting URL, you will receive an email from Google Adsense team that, your blog is approved or not.

You have to follow below steps ONLY after getting the approval from Google Adsense. Google will send you the approval email in your email address. The subject of the email will be “Your Adsense account has been approved”. If you get this email for approval, just follow the steps below.

1) Just Login to Blogger.Com with Your Username and Password.
2) Click on Posts
3) Click On Template, Click Layout, Click Add A Gadget.
4) Click On “Add A Page Element”. And You Will See One New Window,
Click On Adsense.  Choose The Size For Your Adsense Ad And Click On Save.
That Window Will Be Closed.
Now Again Click On Save Link
You Are Done.
Your Ads Will Be Appeared On Your Website or Blog.
If Any One Clicks On These Ads You Will Earn Money.
Now Your Web Site Is Earning For You. Your Web Site Will Earn While You Are Sleeping. You Can Logon To The Google Adsense Account And Check Your Earnings.

Adsense Help:

Looking for help with Google Adsense?
Please visit the Adsense Help Center

You can Also Create website or blog using Google site

Below are the steps to proceed
Google Sites makes creating and sharing a group website easy

  • Single-Click Page Creation 
  • No Html Required 
  • Customizable Look And Feel 
  • Settings for Accessing and Sharing Information 
  • And It’s Free!


Click the below link to create blog in Google Site.

And Sign in with your Google account and click-CREATE A SITE

Fill Site Name, Description And End Of Page Click -> Create Site Now You Can Write Content Relevant Descriptions In It And Click-Save…

Now you’re Website Ready. Your Website Publishing Like This –

Make A Website Of Your Own With Some Relevant And Attractive Content On The Same.

Join Google Adsense Program; Submit Your Website for Their Approval,

Place Google Codes on Your Website after Approval.

Step 2: Starting With Adsense.

Google Adsense Is A Fast And Easy Way For Website Publishers Of All Sizes To Display Relevant Google Ads On Their Website’s Content Pages And Earn Money. Because The Ads Are Related To What Your Visitors Are Looking For On Your Site — Or Matched To The Characteristics And Interests Of The Visitors Your Content Attracts — You’ll Finally Have A Way To Both Monetize And Enhance Your Content Pages. It’s Also A Way For Website Publishers To Provide Google Web And Site Search To Their Visitors, And To Earn Money By Displaying Google Ads On The Search Results Pages.

First visit: read all that is written over there.

Now you can directly Go to and follow step mentioned below.
Here you can get all the information regarding Google Adsense .
In below we have explained completely ,how to submit your blog to Google Adsense for approval

First, click on below link:

In the very first field you will be asked to fill in website URL.,follow the simple Instruction over there.  Enter your address phone etc.Submit it and wait for 3-5 days for absence approval. Google Will keep your application on pending basis for 3-5 days. Mean time visit:

It is very much necessary to read and learn about Google Adsense after approval follow the instructions and add the code which you will get from Adsense.

Make money from relevant ads on your website. Google Adsense matches ads to your site’s content and you earn money whenever your visitors click on them.

Adsense for content automatically crawls the content of your pages and delivers ads (you can choose both text or image ads) that are relevant to your audience and your site content—ads so well-matched, in fact, that your readers will actually find them useful.

When you are done with all the above steps, your website is ready with the ads on the same , waiting to get visitors on to it, which in turn might get clicks on Google ads. Which is what you are looking for?

Top Paying Keywords
Find profitable Adsense Keywords, Predict earnings before targeting.

Top Keyword Generator, Thousands of keywords in minutes . Plus Ad words bids & Overture

Submit your website to Google search engine optimization:

Share your place on the net with Google. Google add and update new sites to its index each time Google crawl the web, submit your URL here. …

Google do not add all submitted URLs to its index, and Google cannot make any predictions or guarantees about when or if they will appear.

Please enter your full URL, including the http:// prefix. For example: You may also add comments or keywords that describe the content of your page. These are used only for our information and do not affect how your page is indexed or used by Google.

Please note: Only the top-level page from a host is necessary; you do not need to submit each individual page. Google crawler, Googlebot, will be able to find the rest. Google updates its index on a regular basis, so updated or outdated link submissions are not necessary. Dead links will ‘fade out’ of index on next crawl when we update our entire index.

Webmaster Tools:

Visit- to your one-stop shop for webmaster resources that will help you with your crawling and indexing questions, introduce you to offerings that can …

We are mentioning Here Some Web Hosting Company Address. If You Enable To Create Website And Take Help From This Co.


How to create Blog or Website in

To do this please follows below steps:

Step1: Enter This Link into Your Address Bar
Step2: Enter the Following Details like Username, Password, Email and Click
Step3: Enter your title to your website and click continue
Step4: After entering title you will come to this page, add elements
Like (paragraph with title, paragraph with picture, picture, title, paragraph, custom html, google Adsense by Drag it and drop it down)
(For example: – You want to add paragraph to your website. choose Paragraph element drag and drop it down (its showing in below image)
Step5: after choosing element click on publish tab its is right upper corner. After that it will ask to choose domain name (it’s free)
Step6: after entering your domain name your site will publish

Suppose you want to edit your site content or add element

Goto step1 (enter your username and password)
After entering username and password click edit site (its showing in below image with arrow mark)

Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish You Good Luck

Online Jobs Information Websites Links and Instructions to Start Online Jobs

Reading Email:

All details you require about online jobs are here. Visit this websites and click on the website link.

Paid Email Reading Instructions:

  • Click on the company website name. 
  • Now click signup/join now.there will be a form and u have to fill a form for all those companies one by one as soon as possible. 
  • Fill the form and submit it. 
  • After submiting the form you will get the confirmation mail from the company in your mail box. 
  • in this confirmation mail you will get your user id and the password.mentain a dairy so that you can Remember your login/username and the password. 
  • For your convinence keep same your password for all companies

Note: [in the confirmation mail there will be some instructions. Follow all the instructions to activate your a/c]
When you avtivate your a/c you will start getting the paid emails with in 2 days from the companies in which there will be some links .

You have to open those links only on which they have mentioned “paidlinks” or ” click below to get paid ” for min 30 sec. As soon as the time limit competed they will show you ” your amount has been credited ” after that you can delete it.the amount of the paid link will deposit in your companies a/c. You can check you a/c with the help of your login/username and the password. Every company has set a certain will be paid once; your account reaches to the minimum balance as fixed the paying websites. You will be paid by the international company, once your account reaches the minimum balance fixed by them. Different companies have different minimum balance. Whatever amount you will get to check the paid email that amount will accumulate in your companies a/c. So you have to check paid emails regularly…

When ever you complete the targets of the companies which is set by the companies itself, then only the company will send you the payments to paypal bank account or cheque. . (most of the companies are not charging registration fees.but some companies asking one time registration fees.)

So check all company details & select some companies, choose those that fit your needs & read regularly then only you can earn regularly.

Given below address are collected by various . WEB SEARCH.

We have listed below many Get Paid programs. Some of these programs may not open due to server failure or being expired… We request you to leave those programs and move to the other ones which are opening properly.

Bank Account:

Here are online banks for you. When you join any online earning site, they are going to ask you for these accounts. These sites are going to send your payment to either e-gold or pay pal and then you can withdraw money from these bank accounts. Both are very good, even though paypal is more popular. Open an account and when any of the sites send you money, paypal will issue you a check. Very simple!!!

Open an account now! Click on links given below”0” balance account. Amount not required to opening Paypal account. Paypal bank will issue you a cheque.You can simply put this cheque.You into your Savings Bank Account and your Indian Bank will make you payment in Indian Rs. For Paypal account registration. Fill your address email id& password. In future here given your email id is your paypal id. If any reading email website ask paypal id give this email id.

A confirmation email from paypal. Click on that verification link. Your paypal account is ready.


First Logon to your registered email id (Like Gmail, yahoo etc…), And there Registered Company send email to your email id. You have to open the particular email id and there you will get an link to open advertiser website , After opening the advertiser website through link , Some amount will crediting to your account .

After clicking on the link you have to login with your user name & password. Then you will come to paid email page.

Next-you will see the below message:-

Thank you for supporting our sponsors! You will receive 10 cents(s), once you have visited this sponsor’s site for at least 70 seconds read email-


Your account has been credited.

Thank You!

Log off now.

Note- while registering for the first time, they will give you one referral id.every time you have login with this your id only.

You have to check your account with your id.

1) Rupee Mail

We have something interesting for you, Rupee Mail! It’s really amazing! You get paid to open & read the contents of Rupee Mail. You receive promotional offers & special discounts in Rupee Mail and also you will get RS: 2.00 for each referral.

Create your Rupee Mail Account & refer your friends to earn launch referral bonus on every new registration.
Try by click the below link

2) Link Grand is a profit sharing internet advertising company that will pay you to visit our advertiser’s websites.

Here is some of what Link Grand offers

  • Membership is FREE.
  • Get paid to visit our advertiser’s websites.
  • Earn a very generous $0.003 per link clicked.
  • Refer members and get an amazing 30% commission of their earnings.
  • Refer advertisers and receive a 10% commission of their purchases.
  • Daily payouts with low minimum.

Check Below given reading e-mail websites addresses, you can try to find work from home online:

and many more

DISCLAIMER-we are just providing website addresses

This is for information only. we will attempt to keep program information and links up-to-date; however, many programs change their terms occasionally so you should read the FAQ’s and details before signing up for each program. we are not responsible for your action.

Earn by paid online surveys

You can work whenever you’d like, morning, noon, night… Midnight if you’d like .. It doesn’t matter. Simply log in and select surveys to fill out, get paid for your time. Work for 30 minutes or three hours, it doesn’t matter…you set your own hours!

Hundreds of market research companies use paid online surveys to give consumers exactly what they want. And they’re willing to pay top payment for your time and your opinions! You will submit your profile on various websites for once. MNC companies who are conducting various product surveys in India will conduct these website and they will send you surveys in your is nothing but a questionnaire asking you general things.

Market research companies want to know what you like and what you don’t like. And the easiest way for them to find out what you think is by sending you online paid surveys to complete over the internet and signing you up for online focus groups.

It’s easy. It’s simple. And it pays great money!

Work from home and work whenever you want. You select the paid surveys you want to fill out and get paid. Work at your own pace any time. You are in control.

Become a member of survey locator today to find the best paid online surveys. Members have access to the best paid surveys, which are updated on a weekly basis. You always have the newest and best paying surveys delivered to you.

Make extra money for the holidays. Give up your part-time job.

And have spending money in your bank account for whatever you want to use it for.teenagers can spend their time online productively and earn money from home.elderly people and retirees can earn extra money to stretch their pensions and savings.

Busy single mothers and homemakers can make extra money at their own pace and still have time for their work and families. College students who can’t spend eight hours a day at a job can make extra money and still have time for school.

  • Join the survey companies. 
  • Submit the details asked. 
  • Regularly check your email 
  • for any new survey. 
  • Fill in the surveys and get paid in cheque. 

Below given address are collected by various web search.

How would i get my payment & in what mode?

These sites are going to send your payment to either e-gold or paypal bank account. Both are very good, even though paypal is more popular. You have to open an account with this bank and when any of the sites send you money, e-gold and paypal bank will issue you a check. You can simply put this cheque into your savings bank account and your Indian bank will make you payment in Indian rupees target.

Every company has set a certain target. You will be paid once; your account reaches to the minimum balance as fixed the paying websites. You will be paid by the international company, once your account reaches the minimum balance fixed by them. Different companies have different minimum eg. Whatever amount you will get to check the paid email that amount will accumulate in your companies a/c. So you have to check paid emails regularly.. When ever you complete the targets of the companies which is set by the companies itself, then only the company will send you the payments to your paypal bank account. .

Below Are the Online survey website links to start your online jobs..

and many more



Step 1. Email Processing Explained
Step 2. Catalogs of Companies that will pay you to process emails and how to associate with them.
Step 3. Method 1 of Processing Email Formats of the emails you will be sending out and setting up your email program properly.
Step 4. Method 2 of Processing Email Placing ads to process emails.
Step 5. Method 3 of Processing Email sending large amounts of email at once.
(Taking your email processing business to the next level.)
Step 6. Extras: Optional method of processing emails:
Posting your links in Forums (Optional and atno cost to you) VERY Effective Way, read this page!!
Step 7. Following the Daily Plan for Success.

Step 1. Email Processing Explained.

Overview of the work you will be doing.
Proceed to Step 2After reading this section to start your new Home Based Job.
Being an email processor is one of the best jobs you can do from home. You can do this business without spending any money if you don’t want to and still make great income. In this training manual you will learn 3 excellent ways to make money from home using email. Overview of the methods we teach: Detailed information on each method is provided in each individual step in our program.

With the first method you will be visiting classified ad sites and responding to ads by email. With the second method you will be placing different types of ads and getting emails from your ads. In the third method you will learn how to send out emails to large groups of people, which will result in lots of processed E-mails and money in your account. Each method works very well, we use these methods every day to generate money. Not only will you learn the methods of making money, we will also show you special techniques to automate your email processing business. Now you will need to go through each step in the training manual.

This section is just to give you an overview of some of the work you will be doing In Step 2 you will learn how to associate with the companies that will be paying you to process emails. 

Step 2. Catalogs of Companies that will pay you to Process emails, and how to associate with them.

After you associate with any one of the given companies. We will show you. You will be able to process emails for them. You will be given a special code by the company you decide to associate with. You then send the code along with your pre-written email to the person who placed an ad. When they decide to buy the product from the link you just sent them you will have successfully processed that email and You will in turn make the amount of money that the Company you associated with pays you for that particular product.

Each company you will associate with in the catalog of companies will give you a special link or code, you send that link or code, whichever you wish to call it, to the person who wrote the classified ad. They then view your product through that link. When they join or buy from the website link you sent them you make $15 to $25 or more depending on the price of the product.

In general you will be making about 50 to 75 percent of whatever the product sells for. So if you send someone a link to a product that sells for $50, and they then buy the product, you will make 75% of $50 which turns out to be $37.50. You won’t have to ship anything or talk to the customer. Your part is done, you just send the email. The more emails you send out to potential clients, the more people will view your products. When the people you send an email to, click on your link in the email you sent them, that is another chance at making a profit.

The more emails you send out with your special code, the more emails that will be processed successfully. When an email is processed successfully it means that the customer bought your product and the transaction went through successfully. We will teach you numerous ways to maximize your number of emails processed. 
To join the company that has a catalog of products, you just need to enter your Name, address, and phone number. They will in turn send you a check or a Paypal payment every 2 weeks for the transactions that went through successfully.

Ok, Now you will be joining That is the next step. They have a few products you can send emails for. In the next part of step 2 you will join the company that has 8000 + products. But we believe you will make just as much money if not more with There are many such catalogs with good companies.

We will show you several. Click on the following link The website should open in a new window. If the window does not open, just open another internet explorer window and type in the address bar. You then click on the Click here to Sign Up button on the site. You then enter your Name,address, phone number.

You can also choose to be paid byPaypal. If you don’t have a Paypal account just visit and sign up. It is completely free. will send you your payment by Paypal which you can then deposit automatically into your bank account through bank transfer.

Ok, now that you have joined, you need to login to your account with the username and password you just chose to create your account. In there you will see YourAffiliate Links, you choose the product you want to promote.You will then click on Display Links, it will be marked “YourSpecial Affiliate Link.”

Before you start using your special link that belongs to you in emails. For Example: If you use Outlook Express as an email program. You would open up Outlook and click on “Tools” at the top, you would then select “Options”. In the Options section click on Signatures, you then type the text you want as your signature. Also don’t forget to check the box that says “Add signature to all outgoing messages.” You can copy the text below if you want and then paste it into your Signature box. Don’t forget to change the link below so that it points to your link code.

Now every email message you send out will have that text at the bottom of it. Whoever you email will see that text and probably click on the link that goes with it. This will increase your chances at having a successfully processed email.

We suggest you first stop right now, and add your signature text to your email program. Other email software like Hotmail’s are similar and you shouldn’t have trouble finding the place where you add the signature, just look for the place where it is marked Options. Ok, now we will show you the other catalog of over 8000 companies.

Click here to sign up for your free Clickbank account.

After filling in all your personal information you will come to a page like that asks you to confirm your account, keep that page open. After you fill in your personal information click bank will send you an email to the email address you signed up to click bank for. Inside that email you must get your confirmation code and type it into the confirmation code box. You then enter text from the image and then you click finish.

Your account is now open. In the event that you don’t receive the confirmation code by email. Please refer to this guide. The confirmation code is sent from the email address

If you do not receive theconfirmation code, it may mean your email account is blocking our messages. If you do not find our message in a spam filter, you will need to contact your ISP or use an alternative email address when signing up. If you have no alternative email address, our best suggestion is to sign up for an account with,, or any other free, web-based email host. Clickbank has over 8000 companies you can associate with.

Once you have joined Clickbank you will have an array of different company’s products to promote. These companies are in need for you to process emails for them so that you will market the services they offer, you in turn will makeprofits.

You do not need to do any selling, because these websites will handle all the orders and split the profits with you. All you have to do is send out emails telling other people about your Clickbank products. These companies usually pay up to 75% commission on all sales you generate

For them You can choose from thousands of companies to do email processing work in this incredible catalog.

Register with the companies in this directory you would like to process emails for. It does not cost any money to sign up as an affiliate for these companies, when you sell other companies products you become their affiliate. Which is what you will be, an affiliate. You don’t have to buy anything else or carry any products of your own or make any phone calls. You don’t even have to contact the company before starting to send emails about their product. They expect people to do this, and they want people to do this.

Now that you are signed up with Click bank it is time to pick which companies to work with. Browse the catalog and choose which companies you would like to work with. You are not obligated to purchase anything from any of these companies. Here is what you want to do. You want to pick some of the best performers in categories like Money and Employment or Home Business. They Work well. Once you are at the Clickbank Marketplace. Once you see a list of companies after having chosen a category. It will be marked Create Hoplink underneath that company’s listing.You will click on Create Hoplink. It will then be written,You can earn 75% (or whatever percentage for the product you chose) for each paying customer you refer to this product.

For details please enter your ClickBank nicknameand tracking ID (if you have one): You don’t need a tracking id, so don’t worry about that. Then you enter your Clickbank username into the box that appears (that is theusername Clickbank sent you, when you opened your account with them.) And then you click Submit. It will thengive you this message: ClickBank pays you 61% when you sell this publishers product.

Your own user id will be marked instead of Youruserid. This is just an example.Your hoplink is the link you want to include in all your emails. Once you have your hoplink for a company you want to promote, you then place that hoplink in your emails. Once you have successfully signed up for your clickbank account, replace the Youruserid in the internet address with your ClickBank ID. That is how you will create your ads, each ad will have a hoplink, with Clickbank you take the vendor’s url and replace the x’s in it with your Clickbank username. By replacing the x’s with your clickbank username, Clickbank will know that the sale is coming from you so that they can deposit money into your Clickbank account.

Step 3. Method 1 of Processing Email    Now that you have signed up for one of the company catalogs, we suppose you have chose sites to process emails for. If you haven’t please go to the catalog now and choose one.

With this first method of processing emails you will process emails in classified ad sites where there are thousands of people who have placed ads, these people have included their email addresses in their ads. You will be responding to their ads, by clicking on their email address and sending them emails.

For example: If someone has placed an ad about joining a home based business. You will send them an email saying you liked their ad and you would like more information. They then send you an email explaining their home business.

Here is where it gets interesting. You will then respond to their email thanking them for their email, you then send them information about your home business or product whatever it may be.

We will teach you how to do this in a way that makes that person who placed the ad eager to see your product. Also your email will not be viewed as spam because you will show general interest in their ad.

You can do this job all day long if you want to. There is a limitless amount of classified ads that people have placed.

You reply to their ads in a non-offensive and welcoming way and you then offer them to see your product-website.

Now that you can see the emails you will send, you should set up your Email Program. You might want to do this job with a different email address then the one you currently use as your personal email address. Most people do that so that the emails don’t get mixed up with their personal emails. You can get a free email address at Once you have your email account, you should set up your Signature in the email program. You should then create a folder for each company you are processing emails for. When you receive emails from people you emailed you should place them into the folder associated with the product you emailed them about. You can create as many folders as you want. In your email program click once on your Inbox and then it will become in blue.
Next you right click with your mouse and select Create New Folder. It will then let you name your new folder. The good thing about having separate folders is that every 2 weeks or so, you can write back to those people and tell them how great your new business is going, and you can ask them to reconsider joining your program in a very polite way. That can help you process more emails. Here is the list of classified ad sites where you can respond to classified ads. You will find this list again in Step 4. This list alone is worth the price for membership to our program: This is a popular classified ad sites, when yo place an ad here your ad will be clicked on a lot. Very good place to put ads. Web This is also a very good site that has a section for business opportunities. Highly recommended

Excellent classified ad site. Great for posting ads. Usfreeads -This site is also one of the biggest Classified ad sites around. There are tons of categories to Choose from.
Classifieds. Domestic This site is filled with tons of classified ads.
Direct Matches is ONLY about PEOPLE! It’s about providing a service that brings people together that are actively looking for business opportunities, jobs, friends, partners and many other connections people are looking for!

With Direct Matches you can get to email lots of people about your business opportunities. You can also get lots of people to view your profile. Direct Matches is becoming a very popular site for people who process emails. You can get lots of contacts with them too. I highly recommend you join their site. Another great place to process emails.

Step 4. Method 2 of Processing Email Placing ads to process emails.

Classified ads are one of the best ways to make money on the internet. There are so many new and improved classified ad sites out there that your chances of making lots of money are very high, we will give you a huge list of the best classified ad sites around the world. Expert ad-placers like myself place classifieds in as many sites as possible daily. The more classified ads you place the more people will send you emails asking you something about the product you wrote about in your ad. That is what we want. The more emails that we receive the more emails we will process successfully. We can even set it up so that people can join your auto responder, when people do this they will get a series of emails automatically without you having to do anything.

It is all automated. We will tell you more about auto responders a little later on in the Member’s area. In this section we will place a classified ad together on Once you have your account with them you can place free ads or paid ads. You can open a free account, a gold account or a premium account. We suggest that you open a Premium account, because with a premium account there is no limit to the number of ads you can place. A premium account costs $9.99 a month, which isn’t very much considered the amounts of money you can make per month with your classifieds. With a Gold account you can only type 25 ads and have 25 ads running at one time. With a premium account you can have hundreds. Usfreeads also has what they call Feature ads, these ads go at the top of the category you choose. A featured ad costs around $40. Featured ads are a great way to get lots of people to click on your ad and visit your product website. We highly recommend that you place some featured ads as well as many premium ads as you can type. Please note: When purchasing a featured ad it is best to place the ads for 12 months, the maximum amount of time possible, doing this ensures you are at the top of the category. The longer you place your ad for, the higher up on the page it will be. You will be glad you did. One ad we made with them made us over $450, the ad cost was only $40. This is a 100% truthful example.

Ok, so now we will place a classified together, this ad is just an example to give you an idea as to how many classified ad sites work.

First you go to and you login to your account. You then click on Place Ad at their site. Your next step is to choose a category for your ad. For this classified we will choose Business Opportunities. You click on that. Next it will show you a list of sub-categories. You will click on Work at Home. After choosing Work at Home as your sub-category, you will choose a second sub-category.

For this ad we will choose Ad Typists as the second subcategory. Please note that not all classified ad sites have this many category options. that there are several sub-categories which means you can place multiple ads in several different business opportunities categories. After clicking on Ad Typists You will click on the second option where it says click here to place your ad without setting it to run in a personal category.

Next you will click on Regular classified with text and images.

Now you will type your ad, type your title, description, price and your product link. For the price we have written nothing,many ad typers leave the price part with nothing in it. When people visit your ad they will see the price anyways, if you want to add the price that is up to you. You don’t need to fill in the other boxes that are in the ad setup, the ones filled out below are the only ones you need to fill out. 

Data Entry Jobs

EARN Money by data entry, home typing Learn how to make money online Copy & paste below given websites links in your internet address bar. Click enter.

Given websites address are collected by various web searches.

We have listed below many Get Paid to programs. Some of these programs may not open due to server failure or being expired.. We request you to leave those programs and move to the other ones which are opening properly. 
Get More Clicks on your Website Search Engine Directory:

Classifieds-Now your simple job is to post this website in at least 200 newsgroups or free classifieds. You will not have to pay anything to post your website link in these free classifieds. You can also find millions of them on any search engine (Google, yahoo, msn). That is about all you need to do. Your work is over.classified Links DISCLAIMER:- 
We Are providing Website Addresses only. This is for information only. We will attempt to keep program information and links up-to-date; however, many programs change their terms occasionally so you should read the FAQ’s and details before signing up for each program. We are not responsible for your action.

You will be paid directly by the advertising companies to the address, which you mention on their respective registration forms. Our role is providing you list of all paying websites. Our motto is to save your time to search these type of paying websites on Internet. We have no responsibility whatsoever in all respect.

As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.

There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions.

The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services. 


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