Showing 1,080 Result(s)

Types of Pharma Business

Pharma business is the business which is related to medicines, drugs, medical devices, surgical goods and healthcare services etc. Few other businesses that are related to pharma business are ayurvedic (including siddha, unani system of medicines), cosmetic, nutraceutical and food supplements and homeopathy etc.  Pharma business includes manufacturing, marketing, retailing, distribution, dispensing, online business etc. …

E-Pharmacy: Registration and Licenses Required

E-pharmacy is emerging concept and getting popularity with use of internet. With increase in online purchase of medicines, new business opportunities are also emerging. E-pharmacy is new in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry but has strong presence in western countries. In our video and articles, we have covered documents and procedure to start online pharmacy (E-pharmacy) in …

What is New Drug Definition, requirements and guidelines for permission for import/manufacture, according to Drug and Cosmetic Act!

Definition of new drug For the purpose of this Part, new drug shall mean and include- (a) A drug, as defined in the Act including bulk drug substance (or phytopharmaceutical drug) which has not been used in the country to any significant extent under the conditions prescribed, recommended or suggested in the labelling thereof and …