Temperatures and Storage Conditions to be maintained in the Pharmaceutical Establishments


Myself ———–, a final year student of B.Pharma. I would like to setup a wholesale & retail business after I pass out. But unfortunately I have failed to acquire much guide regarding the temperatures that are required to be maintained in both the pharmacy retail shop & wholesale storage warehouse for storing medicines. It would be at my utmost benefit if you can kindly guide me regarding the same. Hope to hear from you soon as always. Awaiting your answer with great anticipation Sir!  


Every pharmaceutical dosage form and ingredients have different storage temperatures. Storage conditions are mostly mentioned at medicines label.

Some medicines require conditions like store in cool & dry place below 25*C temperature, few require freezing conditions, few require refrigeration etc. You need to store medicines as per mention at label or packaging.

If there is no mention about storage condition then medicines should be store at cool, clean and dry place.

For maintaining cool and dry place, air conditioner is best way. Store medicines under air conditioned room if storage condition are not mentioned at medicines.  

Hope above information is helpful to you…

Read related: List of Refrigerated Drugs

For any query and suggestion, mail us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com

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