How to start a successful Business in Pharmaceutical Sector?


Hello sir, I am studying in 2 year B. Pharmacy. I am worry about my career. My dream is to become a successful business man . I belong to middle class family. Please suggest me what I do to become a business man. I want to open my own business. No one in my family who suggest me about my career. I am waiting for your suggestion.


Don’t panic about your career. All is going to be well…

If you are from middle class family that doesn’t mean you can’t do a business. You need to do some extra ordinary efforts only. For becoming businessman, one need to acquire knowledge of all segments in pharmaceutical business. Your all efforts should be in process to acquire knowledge and experience.

At this time, you are in 2nd year of pharmacy degree, you need only to concentrate at your study till you have passed out from degree. Main efforts will start when you will choose your job responsibilities and department. Every department job in pharmaceutical sector has business opportunities in future when you will have enough experience and confidence to start pharma business. For example, if you are medical representative, you can start your marketing company in future. If you are manufacturing chemist, you can open your manufacturing company. If you are analytical chemist, you can open independent laboratory for testing small companies products. If you are in regulatory affairs, you can open consultancy business. If you are in any other department, business opportunities in future will be available there.

Choose your career as per your interest and traits. There is much more chances of starting own business in interested field as compare in field where you don’t have any interest. Spend adequate time in job till you learn enough to push yourself in business. You prime concentration should be only at learning and getting knowledge. You should be curious about every thing why this is happening in your daily job routine and life.

Time period spent in job before starting own business depend at your learning capacity and performance. Remember starting business from zero is not an easy and over night process. It takes time and extra ordinary efforts. Self motivation will be key in your journey. What business you have to start, you will not need to ask from anyone after necessary experience.

You can read life journey of some great businessmen who started their business from zero. It will give you inspiration and motivation to start and keep in tract. Don’t over expect from your self and others. Always play fair with own self and others. Success is combinations of failures. When you fail in something, remember, you have added a new step toward your success.

Hope for your best future…   For any query and suggestion, mail us at

1 Comment

  1. Hello sir i am B. Pharmacist. I am worry about my career. My dream is to become a successful business man . I belong to middle class family. Right now i am doing a job in pharma marketing company and i have 6 months experience in pharma marketing. I want to start my own pharma marketing company. Please suggest me can I open my own pharma company.

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