Showing 84 Result(s)

Strategies to Launch Ayurvedic Products in the Global Wellness Market

Introduction: Ayurvedic products have witnessed a remarkable surge in popularity and demand across the globe in recent years. With their holistic approach to wellness and time-tested principles, Ayurveda has become increasingly relevant in modern times. This article aims to delve into the world of Ayurvedic products and explore effective strategies for successfully launching them in …

How to Start Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha Business? Manufacturing, Marketing, shop, clinic and panchkarma centre?

Ayurvedic Businesses List: Ayurvedic business refers to any type of commercial activity related to Ayurveda, which is an ancient system of traditional medicine originating in India. This may include manufacturing, marketing, distribution, and sale of Ayurvedic medicines, herbal products, and other health-related services. Ayurvedic businesses may also provide consultations, treatments, and therapies based on Ayurvedic …

How to start Veterinary Drugs Manufacturing Unit?

Query:We want to obtain a license for manufacture of Animals & Veterinary Remedies & Drugs. Can we know how to go about it. Response:For a license to manufacture Animal & Veterinary Remedies & Drugs, you will require the same drug manufacturing license as in the case of Human drugs manufacturing license.Same criteria and requirement applies to animal & veterinary …

Dermatological soap manufacturing unit

I want to start a dermatological soap such as antifungal antibacterial  manufacturing unit. Can you provide the details Dermatological soap can be manufactured either as a cosmetic product or as a medicinal product. For starting a dermatological soap manufacturing unit, you need either a cosmetic manufacturing license or pharmaceutical manufacturing license.Check out: Details for starting cosmetic manufacturing …

How to connect about pharmaceutical manufacturing plants

Query:I read a few of your well-written posts on and I’d like to connect with you for more details on your experience. These two articles on how to set up a pharmaceutical manufacturing unit and the business plan are of particular interest to me. the information in the above posts pertain to …
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