Shall it be a wise decision to start my own business or join a company as ASM (right now my salary Rs.50000)


I am a regular reader of your articles. I found it interesting and informative also.
I have a experience of nearly 13 years in pharmaceutical company as Area Manager. Now I want to start my own business. Please help me to solve my queries:
1. Shall it be a wise decision to start my own business or join a company as ASM (right now my salary Rs. 50000);
2. How much I have to invest to earn more that Rs.50000/month;
3. Give a brief guidance regarding my new venture…

Looking forward to your valuable feedback.  


1. Job and own business has own pro and cons. Leaving a job for business is a crucial process and not a easy process. We don’t recommend any one to leave a job before having proper financial resources for living and expenses. We recommend to make own business set-up side by along with job and leave job when you feel you have satisfactory income for your living expenses.

2. Investment doesn’t grantee of return. Investment plus your efforts is foundation of return. Whether you start with 50000/- investment or 500000/- investment, your efforts will make difference in your success and failure. Start with money as available with you for investment. Always invest one part of money and save two parts for smooth running of your start-up. Read: Investment required

3. A new venture always takes time to establish. Establishment time could be six months to 3-4 years depend at many factors like experience, circumstances, efforts, investment, time etc. Patience and efforts are essential things for any new venture. We recommend to start a marketing company with two to three products, you know you can easily in market. read all requirements to start marketing company here
Add more products in product list as you feel now you have to proceed further.

Or you can start business by taking Pcd/franchise of a company. Read about pcd/franchise here   Hope above information is useful for you…  

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