What is Pharma Franchise? How to start pharma franchise business?

What is franchise?

Franchise is a term which is defined as an authorization granted by a government or company or organization to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, for example acting as an agent or marketing or sale for a company’s products. Franchise is Anglo-french word means ‘Liberty’. Liberty of work, time, money etc.

What is Pharma franchise? How can we define it?

Pharma Franchise or PCD (Propaganda Cum Distribution) is a business model in which a pharmaceutical company grants permission to an individual or a company to use its trademark, products, and proprietary knowledge for distribution and marketing in a specific geographical area.

Pharma Franchise/PCD is authorization of marketing and distribution rights at monopoly basis given by pharmaceutical company to pharma professional or distributor or group of professionals or distributors to use their brand name, company name and doing other commercial activity on behalf of company. Read more

How to start pharma franchise business?

The procedure to become a pharma franchisee involves the following steps:

  • Selection of a reputed pharmaceutical company: The first step is to select a reputed and established pharmaceutical company with a good track record, product range, and market reputation.
  • Submission of an application/query: The interested individual or company needs to submit an application/query to the pharmaceutical company expressing their interest in becoming a franchisee.
  • Evaluation and Approval: The pharmaceutical company evaluates the application/query and approves the franchisee based on certain criteria such as financial stability, infrastructure, marketing skills, and experience in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Signing of Agreement: Once the franchisee is approved, a legal agreement is signed between the pharmaceutical company and the franchisee, outlining the terms and conditions of the partnership.
  • Procurement of Products: The franchisee procures the products from the pharmaceutical company and distributes them in the specified geographical area.
  • Marketing and Sales: The franchisee is responsible for marketing and promoting the products in the local market, and generating sales.

In a pharma franchise/PCD business, the pharmaceutical company provides the products, promotional materials, and technical support, while the franchisee is responsible for the distribution, marketing, and sales in a specific geographical area. The franchisee earns a profit margin on the products sold and also receives incentives and bonuses based on sales performance. The success of a pharma franchise/PCD business largely depends on the marketing skills, network, and distribution capabilities of the franchisee.

Pharma Franchise Company List

This alphabetical list of pharma franchise companies are from throughout India including Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, Lakshadweep, Delhi, Puducherry, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh.

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  1. Myself working as pharmacist with good experience in retail pharma..I would like to start pcd or pharma franchise with min budget I dont want any target issues its my fresh exp in this marketing field I want something change so plz send me some hints with companies list along with the offered price…again I clear I dont prefer the companies with targets..
    Thank with regards

  2. Starting pharma pcd or franchise is just like launching new pharmaceutical company in your territory. Its your fresh start, so start with less than 10000/- amount. We are providing few hints to start:

    Prepare list of Doctors, nursing home in area, you want to do work
    Do some market research what doctors prefer to prescribe there
    Prepare list of molecules those have strong hold in locality
    Choose molecules which can be easily sold by you
    Send quotation to more than 4 pcd/franchise companies
    Check for molecules, you have selected in their price list. Check for molecules, you want to market and also for molecules, you could promote in future
    Compare all companies list i.e. rates, offer, number of products, required products etc
    Prepare list of promotion input, gift article etc. Companies will support but promotional material that is provided by them will not be enough for you to do work effectively. Prepare or purchase some good promotional input, you consider good for promoting your products
    Fixed schedule to call doctors daily, as medical representative do
    Prepare daily reporting card. Try to fix appointments with doctors in working time and in non-working hours. Appointment in Non working hours could provide best results
    Do regular visit to doctors

  3. Starting pcd pharma company in India is not possible at 15000-20000 but starting pcd franchisee marketing of any pcd pharma company is possible below fifteen thousand. Persons who don't have enough finance to start own company can easily start pcd franchisee marketing at minimal investment.

  4. Is PCD franchisee /marketing can be taken by only professionals who did B.pharma or D.pharma ? Or professionals from any background can avail this opportunity. ?

  5. Anyone who can sell medicine or has experience in sale & marketing can avail this opportunity. For doing pcd/franchise marketing, no requirement of any qualification. Only experience in sales and marketing is required

  6. We are leading Pharma manufacturing company in HIMACHAL PRADESH .We are looking for distributors of Pharma products in all India basis.If you are interested to do business then please free to contact us. Manish Kumar ..Company Name:—— LABS LTD, KALA-AMB.HIMACHAL. Contact No: …Email id :a

  7. Great

  8. How long I can continue franchises company and otherside company can withdraw us from franchises after business set.

  9. @naved niyazi Your concern is right but it is not possible for most of franchise companies to withdraw franchise after business set-up because franchise companies don't have set-up own marketing and they don't know where you sell products and from which doctors you get prescribe medicines. you can continue franchise as long as you give good sale to company. You can take following steps to:

    Take Monopoly rights agreement
    Don't disclose your sale set-up to any company representative
    Keep all secrets with your self regarding contacts in your area
    regular check for any infiltration of companies products in your area
    Take all details of nearby distributor of company etc

  10. Anybody looking for PCD pharma franchise on monoply basis in India can contact us:
    200+ products
    150+ Associates

    A—- Pharmaceuticals

  11. can a doctor purchase medicines from PCD Franchise with his lisence

  12. @Niptu Paul…
    Doctor can purchase goods for its own specific need as it is allowed under Act at his license. These goods will be for exclusive use of doctor at his own clinic and to his patients. He can't market it or distribute it further.
    But one of the main problem Doctor face to receive that arranging GSTIN for transportation from company to doctor clinic directly.

  13. Bonjour. Cet article est très informatif. je cherchais tout juste des informations sur le sujet.

    Bon courage!

  14. This is really an interesting blog as it focuses on a very important topic. I came to know about so many things or tips.
    From PharmaBizConnect

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