How to commercialized Home Made Ayurvedic Products?


Thanks for the website it gives a lot of information. Although I’m an engineer, I come from traditional Ayurveda family from my mother’s side. We prepare lot of medications and I’m planning to go for commercializing my developed products. I have developed two revolutionary products (brand name yet to be decided) they are for
1. Anti aging – tested on my father (aged 60) and in 5 months the wrinkles on his neck and below eyes have gone, face looks a lot brighter and skin is tighter. Hair fall completely stopped within 2 weeks after eating this supplement twice a day. It takes 2 months to prepare and decided from ancient Sanskrit manuscripts
2. Energy booster – this supplement again decoded from ancient Sanskrit manuscripts give good amount energy. I tried with more than 40 gym goers and told them to take 20 minutes before going to gym. The result was phenomenal. People told
A. They trained for an hour generally but never felt like leaving gym even after 2 hours
B. A body builder who normally did 65 kg of shoulder press was able to push himself to 90 kg in 45 minutes of taking my supplement.
C. After doing weight training body pains the next day or day after due to muscle tear and lactic acid formation. After having this supplement none experienced even the slightest pain in their body and felt as if they never trained.

This result is due to my years of R&D and I would like to take it forward.

My challenges are
1. How to take it forward without being qualified on paper?
2. How to get investment for further research. Especially anti aging medicine can be the answer for Alzheimer’s disease as well but funds required for further research.
3. How to approach for clinical trials.

Your inputs in this regards will be of great help to me.


For manufacturing of any Ayurvedic supplements or medicine, you will require Ayurvedic manufacturing license. Before going into any commercialization of product, you should go for patent process for protection of your composition if possible. Secrecy of your product’s composition or method of preparation will be your strength otherwise anyone can copy your product and could launch in market with different brand name. If you want to take it at next level you have two options as per our knowledge:

1. Set-up own manufacturing unit
2. Tie-up with already existing Brands

1. Set-up own manufacturing unit could be tricky and time & money consuming process. You will need big infrastructure for it.
2. Tie-UP with any existing brand could be better option for it. But that’s not an easy. You have to contact their team and will have to convince them about your product. In case you are able to convince them about product, your journey would be easy. Your investment problem and further clinical study problem will be sorted out.

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If your products has same specifications, you mentioned here, you will get investors easily for your product. In today’s time, finding investors is most easy work if you have something that can provide profit to them.

Without being qualification and set-up, you have to approach any of existing Ayurvedic manufacturer, brand or person and try to convince them about qualities of your product. Make agreement or tie-up with them. Your investment and marketing problems will be sort out with this tie-up.

Hope above information was useful for you…. For any query and suggestion, mail us at

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