Showing 84 Result(s)

Pharmaceutical manufacturing company in small budget

Query:   I want establish a pharmaceutical manufacturing company in small budget as soon as possible so, kindly guide the right path to me.   Response: Pharmaceutical manufacturing company can be started with investment vary depend at sections. Liquid/syrup section can be started with low investment whereas parenteral plant is high investment plant. You can …

Business Plan for Pharmaceutical manufacturing, requirements, machinery and equipment

Starting Pharmaceutical manufacturing company is high investment and time consuming process. It can be successful only when if you have proper business plan. Before starting you need to work out at number of aspects. Premises area and machinery/equipment are one of first priority aspect before going in process of starting manufacturing unit. Pharma manufacturing plant …

How to get manufactured new herbal product combinations?

Query:   We are the unit of people from medical and pharmaceutical background. We had developed few Herbal products based on research and scientific basis. However, we don’t have facility to manufacture these products. We have following queries. From where we can manufacture these products from Maharashtra or Telangana?. If we manufacture these products from …
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