Who is a Pharmacy Practitioner? Difference between Community, Hospital, Drug Information and Clinical Pharmacist

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Pharmacy Practitioner is an individual (Community Pharmacist/ Hospital Pharmacist/ Clinical Pharmacist/ Drug information Pharmacist) currently licensed, registered or otherwise authorized under the Act to counsel or otherwise and administer drugs in the course of professional practice.  

Query Related to Pharmacist:

Query 1:

I am Rohit, a Registered Pharmacist. I want to do business please guide me


As a registered pharmacist, you are eligible to start any of the below:
Chemist Shop
Wholesale Distribution
Cosmetic Manufacturing Company
Pharma Marketing Company
and many other businesses in pharma industry. But you will have to take license for every business, you will do.

We always recommend business on the basis of person’s experience and market exposer. You can choose any type of business on the basis of your experience and knowledge. You can read requirements and documents by clicking at above links.   For any query and suggestion, mail us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com

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