Types of Pharma Business

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Pharma business is the business which is related to medicines, drugs, medical devices, surgical goods and healthcare services etc. Few other businesses that are related to pharma business are ayurvedic (including siddha, unani system of medicines), cosmetic, nutraceutical and food supplements and homeopathy etc.  Pharma business includes manufacturing, marketing, retailing, distribution, dispensing, online business etc. In this article, we are going to cover types of pharma businesses.

  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Business
  • Pharmaceutical Marketing Business
  • Pharmaceutical Distribution Business
  • Pharmaceutical retail Business (Pharmacy Store – Online and Offline)
  • Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Bulk Drug business
  • Medical Device  and in-vitro diagnostics Business
  • Surgical Products Business
  • Ayurvedic Medicine Business
  • Cosmetic products business
  • Food and Dietary supplements business

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Business:

Pharmaceutical manufacturing business includes manufacturing activities involving any process or part of a process for making, altering, ornamenting, finishing, packing, labelling, breaking up or otherwise treating or adopting any drug . Check out in detail how to start pharmaceutical manufacturing business here/

Pharmaceutical Marketing business:

Pharmaceutical marketing business includes starting own pharmaceutical marketing company and pharma franchise distribution. If you are indulged in promoting and marketing of drugs then it come under pharmaceutical marketing business. Check out : How to start own pharmaceutical company (Marketing) here? And check pharma franchise business detail here

Pharmaceutical Distribution Business:

Wholesale, stockist, CnF, distributor, sub stockist etc fall under pharmaceutical distribution business model. Pharmaceutical distributors work as middleman between pharmaceutical company and pharmacy store. Pharma distribution business is one of the most preferable start-up type in pharmaceutical industry. Check out detail: How to start pharmaceutical distribution business?

Pharmaceutical Retail Business:

Pharma retail business includes pharmacy store, chemist shop, medical store and drug Store etc. E- Pharmacy stores are also fall under pharma retail business. You will need to take retail drug license to conduct business related to pharma retail. Check out How to start pharmacy business? and How to start E-Pharmacy business in India?

Bulk Drugs/API Business:

Bulk Drug/API business includes manufacturing and distribution of bulk drugs. Bulk drugs are the ingredients which product medicinal effect of drugs. Check out How to start Bulk Drugs (API) manufacturing company here? And distribution of bulk drug can be performed under wholesale drug license that is discussed under how to start pharma distribution business above.

Medical Devices and in-vitro diagnostics Business:

Medical devices and in-vitro diagnostics includes Cardiac Stents, Drug Eluting Stents, Catheters, Intra Ocular Lenses, I.V. Cannulae, Bone Cements, Heart Valves, Scalp Vein Set, Orthopedic Implants, Internal Prosthetic Replacements etc. Check out: How to start medical device and in vitro diagnostics business? And distribution of medical Devices and in-vitro diagnostics can be performed under wholesale drug license that is discussed under how to start pharma distribution business above.

Surgical Products Business:

Surgical products business includes manufacturing and distribution of products related products used in surgery and related work. Surgical products manufacturing require obtaining surgical manufacturing license from drug department and distribution could be carried out at wholesale drug license number. Check out how to start surgical dressing manufacturing business?

Ayurvedic medicine (including siddha and unani medicines) Business:

In case of ayurvedic medicines, only manufacturing of ayurvedic medicines are regulated. Distribution and retail doesn’t require any license to conduct. You can start ayurvedic medicine manufacturing company by obtaining ayurvedic medicine manufacturing license (including siddha and unani medicines). Check out detail regarding how to start ayurvedic medicine business?

Cosmetic Products business:

Like ayurvedic medicines, cosmetic products manufacturing is only regulated. Distribution and retail could be conducted without any prior license. Check out detail: How to start cosmetic manufacturing business here and how to start cosmetic marketing business here?

Food and dietary supplements business:

Food and dietary supplements are essential part of healthcare and pharmaceutical industry.  Most of vitamins, protein supplements and other health supplements are fall under this category. For starting food and dietary supplement business, you require to obtain FSSAI registration or license depend at product nature and turnover. Check out: How to take fssai license and registration?


You can start either of business from above. If you want to check how to start pharmaceutical business then check out our article: How to start pharma business?

Hope above information is helpful to you…
For any query and suggestion, mail us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com

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