Who is responsible for the quality issue of the drug products? manufacturer or supplier/distributor.

ayurvedic franchise company, ayurvedic manufacturing company, ayurvedic company


We are planning to enter the pharmaceutical business withing a span of one month and intend to begin as a franchisee in the state of Odisha.
However, I have certain doubts as appended below.

  1. Who is responsible for the quality issue of the drug products? manufacturer or supplier/distributor.
  2. What are the documents/certificates a franchisee should ask from the manufacturer while placing the order?
  3. How to get connected with the trusted/reliable manufacturer?


1. Quality issue of drug products is related to manufacturers. But distribution chain must take all precaution to ensure the quality of products and should take all quality certificates from manufacturers.

2. A franchisee should ask following documents:

  • Quality Certificates of Drugs/ Certificate of Analysis (COA)
  • Companies’ License and GST Number Copy
  • Monopoly Rights Agreement with mutual term and Conditions
  • Authorized Distribution Certificate
  • ISO/GMP certificate if any

3. There is many ways to search manufacturers:
Drug Related Books and medical news Papers. Companies give advertisement in Drug books & news papers. You can get their contact numbers from there.
Search through Google or you can visit list of Franchise/Pcd companies by clicking here

Hope above information was useful to you…  
For any suggestion or query, mail us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com  

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