Change always comes with new challenges and responsibilities !!!

Change always comes with new challenges and responsibilities. Change is universal truth but we always run from change. Change in life,  change in job,  change in profession, change in habits etc. Job is also a habit which we are doing from last few years,  I am in job from last six years and you will also be in job from many years. I started my entrepreneur journey two years ago but at that time i failed very badly. In other words I lost my all money and time but that was life changing movement for me.

It tought me about traits, opportunities,  failure and possibilities of starting own work. First and most important thing I learned from it was – don’t depend upon others to build or start any work. You should have faith and trust at your own caliber to be successful in your work and life.

Starting entrepreneur journey with partners is not a bad idea. Share of money,  share of work,  share of responsibilities but every partner should know his responsibility and work.  His responsibilities should be unique from other partner so everyone can perform his task with loyalty and honestly. Being dependent on others will always create problem in your start-up.

Single person can’t handle everything. This tag line is applicable to both proprietor and partner ship firm. Proprietor need staff to share his work and in partnership firm, every partner should full fill his own responsibilities.

What was happened when we ( me & my two close friends)  decided to start own pharma franchise marketing,  every one has good knowledge of his own profession. I was in same pharma franchise marketing executive,  one of my friend was medical representative and third one had manufacturing experience.  

Along with our job,  we started own marketing.  We decided our medical representative friend will look after all sales and marketing work and we two we look after purchase. But our decision was wrong, it become difficult for MR friend to handle promotion and sale along with his job.

He can’t market two companies to same doctors. If one from remaining us could handle sale and promotion then results could be different. We all were so engaged in our jobs that we couldn’t find time for own work. MR friend has good links in market, he has capability to sale products but he didn’t get support from us. If we could share his work of sales and promotion between all of us uniformly and separately visit his links and relationship then we can improve results.

After some time we decided to close and again to concentrate at jobs. But that was not the end, in year 2014, I again decided to start my own venture Ayurvedic Franchise Company individually. My medical representative friend starts own pharma franchise marketing. Now we are trying to launch new business for our remaining friend. After that we will not partners but we will have common goal. No one will depend at another but will help other in his need time.

Hope above article may help you at some extent if you are starting your own entrepreneur journey. For any query and suggestion mail us at

Read related: How to start a pharmaceutical company?

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