What is Pharma Franchise Help Blog ?

We are Pharma Franchise Help portal and provide free help and services to our readers. Our blog and services is free and will be free always. This is limited to mail, whats app and telephonic discussions. We encouraged our reader to send there queries for response from our team. Complete help without any charge.

Some of our readers want from us to meet them and provide them support from start till marketing in process of establishing their venture. We provide them support, legal advice and consultancy for their start-ups. Visit their location and help them to start their business, marketing, promotion and brand building. We charge for it at basis of service provide to customer.

Our Services main services are:

For Start-UP pharma companies:

  • Logo and promotional material designing , Printing of promotional materials like Visual aids, Writing Pads, reminder cards etc
  • Registration of web address, Website designing and Building etc
  • Copy Writing and content writing
  • Trade mark Registration, company registration Services etc
  • Pharma Marketing Company start-up Consultancy. 
  • Third Party Manufacturing

For Pcd Franchise and Pharma companies

  • Third Party Manufactuirng
  • Advertisement- T.V. commercials, news paper, drug books, health magazine etc
  • Legal Services
  • Social Media Promotion like Company blog, facebook, twiiter etc
  • Online promotion like adwords, SEO, business portals etc
  • Training of staff for pcd/franchise companies

For PCD/Franchisee Distributors:

  • Price list of more than 15 companies at One Roof
  • Free consultancy related to pharmaceutical marketing and sales, promotion, distribution, calculation, medical representative joining etc
  • Promotional Inputs availability if party want to provide from its end
  • Pcd/Franchise Marketing Consultancy
  • 24*7 serviceFor expansion of our Help, We have introduced new services to take our website at new level. 

History:   Many People has been asked from us what we do. Today’s article will give information about us. Pharma Franchise Help is non profiting blog, was build to provide free of cost knowledge and help to those person who want to start their own pharma marketing company or want to start marketing at franchise basis with pharma company. I started it for promoting my upcoming start-up Elzac Herbal India, so I can build strong brand presence across Pharma Professionals and Pharma World but with time I converted this blog to provide information and knowledge about pharma franchise market. My name is Ajay Kamboj, experience of near 6 years in pharma franchise marketing.

Achievements:   Pharma Franchise Help has now become witness of many pharma marketing companies start-ups and franchise marketing start-ups. Pharma franchise Help blog always invite pharma professionals to write their experience at this blog and provide their valuable experience and knowledge to up-comers who want to start their own pharma business. Interested professions to write articles for this blog can send their G-mail ID with purpose at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com.

1 Comment

  1. We bring forth a wide array of Generic Keppra- Levetiracetam to the clients. This medicine is an antiseizure (antiepileptic) drug, which inhibits seizure spreading activity in the brain. Besides, any sort of addition to its composition results in reduced frequency of seizures more than placebo. FDA has approved this very drug in November 1999. Pharmaceutical Major and Aster Pharma market Levetiracetam in Sodium Chloride injection, 500 mg/100 mL (5 mg/mL), 1,000 mg/100 mL (10 mg/mL), (single-use bags). Levetiracetam comes in Sodium Chloride injection, 500/250mg tablets. Moreover, clients acclaim pour entire offered range for its following attributes: • Accurate composition • Longer shelf life • Effectiveness Call for Epileptic Pharma Franchise:

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