Why Pharma Franchise is Boon for small pharmaceutical companies? Top Reasons and Discussion!

Pharmaceutical Franchise and PCD pharma marketing is very popular and hot pick in pharmaceutical sector especially for small and macro sized pharmaceutical companies. From last two decade, it replaced tradition distribution channel and become popular selling technique for pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, nutraceuticals and cosmetic companies.

Here we are going to discuss about few reasons why Pharma Franchise is boon for small pharmaceutical companies:

Break Monopoly of Companies: Franchise companies break the monopoly of big pharmaceutical companies. Big pharmaceutical companies are occupied with resources and ability to beat the competition but small companies don’t have much resources and investments to competitive with big pharmaceutical companies. Pharmaceutical Franchise concept give small companies an option for building competition with big pharma by appointing local franchisee having good relationship with local health care professionals.

Create Space for new comers: In pharmaceutical sector, entry of new professionals is very difficult. Competition with established distributors, retailers and other professionals is much difficult for new comers to establish own distribution and trading network in pharmaceutical sector. Big pharmaceutical companies give distribution to big and establish distributors when it comes for providing distribution ship. Security amount and many other conditions make it more complex and out of reach of new professionals. Pharma Franchise companies provide easy opportunities to get stockist ship and distribution at easy terms.

Create new option: As number of pharmaceutical companies is increasing, options are also increasing in market. That indirectly pressurizes big pharmaceutical companies to give more discounts and innovation to keep presence in pharmaceutical market. Doctors also get more options in prescribing any particular molecule

Prevent Shortage of Life Saving Drugs: In case of any Government policy, big pharma companies try to pressurize Government by not supplying life saving medicines in market. In that case small companies sale may boost up and keep availability of life saving drugs in market. With franchise model, it will become to timely delivery of life saving drugs to patients.

General Discussion:

When I started my career as a medical representative, I always heard about propaganda companies. Representatives of these companies were different from us. Their method of working was different, their approach was different.

For being working for a multinational firm, I thought that these companies drug was of low standards. I was not aware how propaganda companies work. In my 6 month medical representative career, everyday in field I encountered with them. I assume that what my thinking was at that time about propaganda cum distribution companies (PCD inshort) — most of sales professional have same kind of mind set about PCD’s.

Competition always provides profit to consumers.

The Indian Pharmaceutical market expected estimated size will be US $55 billion at the rate of 23.9% by 2020. If we consider Google search data — can anyone tell, how many times PCD orPharma Franchise Companies searches throughout Google per month.

But in reality PCD companies are backbone for the future of Indian pharmaceutical market. Imagine, if only 100 companies cover-up whole Indian market and mostly foreign pharmaceutical giants. Their monopoly of market may cause decrease in competition, increase in price, shortage of life saving drugs and also non stoppable acts.

See the example of Telecom sector, due to non competition; they are increasing prices without any notification. During my professional work period for Pharmaceutical Franchise Company, I really appreciate this concept — for being one of market changing process.

Now question arises — how can we say Pharma Franchise companies are boon for Indian Pharmaceutical market? Professionals that are associated with these companies know exactly the important of PCD companies.

Average Google monthly search for PCD Pharma companies, PCD companies in India and similar keywords are about 4880 per month, searches for Indian PCD companies, Indian pharma PCD’s & similar are about 2000 per month. Like wise Indian Pharma franchise companies, Pharma Franchise, Pharma franchise companies, list of pharmaceutical franchise companies in India is about 5000 per month. If we calculate roughly — that searches throughout India –are more than 20000 per month.

For confirmation you can check Google Keyword Planner data where you can get all keyword searches results.

Professionals who are asking for future of Pharma PCD or Pharma Franchise can find the scope in near future. Prescription marketing companies or in other sense ethical companies provides that scope for PCD or Pharma Franchise.

Let take a look at it :

 Every year these companies trained a large number of medical representatives. In this force, professionals that are dedicated to their work, builds a strong relationship with healthcare professionals.

At some stage in their life when they think about their own work. Pharma Franchise Marketing is best possible way in front of them.

Easy to start, consumes very less investment and same time it is very profitable business.

We can’t suppose pharmaceutical market without pharmaceutical franchise concept because it is the only way to prevent market for being monopolized by few big houses.

On other hand Pharma franchise or PCD has strong hand in building competition and helps to provide affordable medicine by MNC’s.

 Hope this article is helpful to you

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