Machinery and Equipment for Pharmaceutical, Ayurvedic and Nutraceutical Manufacturing Plant

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Essential Machinery and Equipment:All the machines are in SS-304 and contact part in SS-316

Liquid and Syrup Section:

  • High speed mixer for 500 liter/1000 liter tank
High Speed mixer with Stainless Steel Tank
High Speed Mixer
  • S. S. tank- 200 Liter/500 liter/1000 liter capacity with wheel and cover lid
  • Diagram  

Related Article: Manufacturing Solid Dosage Form i.e Tablet/Capsule
Manufacturing of Liquid Dosage Form
Manufacturing of Parenteral Dosage Form

  • Colloidal Mill 
  • Liquid filling machine
  • P.P. cap sealing machine 
  • Liquid filtration unit
  • Tables

Capsule/ Tablet/Powder Section

  • Air compressor
  • Air conditioner
  • Blister packing machine
  • Alu-Alu Packing Machine:
  • Capsule filling machine:
Fully Automatic Capsule Filling Machine
Manual Capsule Filling Machine
Semi Automatic Capsule Filling Machine
  • Dehumidifier:
  • Tablet Punching Machine:
  • Coating Pan:
  • Sifter:
  • Mass Mixer:
  • Multi mill:
  • FBD- 30 kg// tray drier:
  • Double cone blender:
  • Powder Tin Filling and Sealing Machine:
  • Aluminium Tin Sealing Machine:


  • Batch printing machine:
  • RO plant:
  • AHU (Air Handling Unit) and Air Lock System:
  • HVAC (Heating, ventilation and air conditioning System):
  • Lab equipment:
  • Balances


  1. Great, thank you very much for your articles. I’ve read you for a long time. Thank you.

  2. Dear Sir/ Madam,. we are requesting you a quotation of all machinary required for formulation of herbal products especially for the powder like churna, oil and syrup as well as other dosage forms. Also we need other machinary like liquid filling, labelling, bottling machinary etc. Waiting for your rapid reply. Thanking You

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