Is that possible to Re-pack Ayurvedic Products in own Brand?

ayurvedic franchise company, ayurvedic manufacturing company, ayurvedic company


My name is —– and i need some more information about Ayurveda marketing/sales related business

Query number 1—One product is already available with xyz company and I will buy that product from that company @ 100/- per product in bulk orders and than will Re-pack with my brand name and will sale after that @ 120/- OR (with profitable margin) . Is that possible legally ?

Query number- 2 , I have one unani formula that may be exist in the market but i would like to manufacture that product by another manufacturing company and i would like to use my brand/company/logo name in packaging . Is that possible legally?
Looking forward your response with details .  


1. This is not legal. Without re-packaging or manufacturing license you can’t pack it in your brand. You have to get manufactured your brand name products from other manufacturers.

2. This is possible. If you have formula and manufacturing company has approval to manufacture it then you can get manufactured product with your brand name from Ayurvedic/unani Manufacturing Company

Hope above information is helpful to you…
For any query and suggestion, mail us at  

Read Related: How to sell ayurvedic medicines online?

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