How to start Ayurvedic Marketing Company?


I am interested in setting up a ayurveda business in Mumbai.
I have a powder which cures leucorrhoea. It is my own formula and it has worked very well with. I gave them the powder and it really helped them. I want to sell the ‎powder with my own name and brand and packaging . Please help me out with it. What is the procedure for it? I am ready to bare all the cost required for it.
Thank you. Waiting for your kind reply.


You have two way to sell this powder at your own name.
1. You can set-up Ayurvedic manufacturing unit
2. You can get manufactured this powder product from any other Ayurvedic Manufacturer at third party basis with your name.

First step will be costlier and lengthy process. It requires lot of documentation and investment.
Second step will be easy and suitable step for you to start product with your packaging. You need to form a firm and contact to ayurvedic third party manufacturer for manufacturing of your product.
Read about starting ayurvedic marketing by clicking here
read about third party manufacturing
If your product is unique in all aspects then you can patent it first before going into market. read about patent procedure here

Read Related: How to sell ayurvedic medicines online?


  1. How to find distributors /stockists for selling our ayurvedic products ? we are super stockists for a certain manufacturing company . No book knowledge please , give some concrete steps .

    1. This is not the book knowledge …
      This blog is strongly based upon our practical experience

    2. Check out your query reply at our blog dedicated to ayurvedic products:

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