How to start Veterinary pharma Company


My wife wants to start a veterinary medicine pharma private limited marketing company. She is graduate in biology. please provide guideline to her.


Starting Veterinary marketing company has same procedure as starting pharma marketing company. Veterinary product range includes medicinal products, food & feed supplements and some Ayurvedic preparations. Same medicines is used in veterinary as used for human being, only difference in strength of active ingredients except few medicines. Some medicines doesn’t use in human but use for veterinary purpose.

For example if paracetamol used for human is 325 mg then for veterinary purpose dose will be 1500 mg or more. Like wise calcium supplements is used for veterinary purpose. Active ingredients are same, only strength vary. Same process and steps will be follow for documentation and set-up. Read here: Complete process to start pharma marketing company

For marketing and selling of Feed supplement and ayurvedic products for veterinary, you will not require any license.

You have to prepare your products list as per need of your veterinary clients. Process of third party manufacturing will be same of pharma manufacturing. Same pharmaceutical companies manufacture products for veterinary those manufacture products for human. You can read third party manufacturing process by clicking here.

Veterinary products also sale out as branded/ethical, generic, otc and Franchise/pcd basis. You can choose type of marketing as per your experience and knowledge. MRP is set according to market trends and competition. you can also calculate it as per your costing and expenses. Read here: How to calculate MRP?

You can prepare promotion material as per veterinary use and according to veterinary doctors.

Hope this article was helpful for you..   For any query and suggestion, mail us at  


  1. I am want start marketing company and sell only vet calcium manufactured from third party manufacturer pls suggest me that any drug licence need for marketing of vet calcium


    1. Vet calcium will be manufactured under feed supplement. You may only need FSSAI registration for marketing vet calcium. No drug license will be needed

  2. Looking for a franchise

  3. Medicine menufecturing karwani hai veterinari

  4. I want to start manufacturing of veterinary ayurvedic medicine,
    what is the procedure please help by your advice

  5. I need manufacturing license of ayurvedic veterinary medicine in delhi please help

  6. I want to start vet pharma maktg. co. I have very little experince in this line. How should I start ???

  7. Me and my team going to start a pharma marketing company with Some feed supplements such as calcium, Multivitamin & other supplements… We want a genuine person to guide us… Whatever may be it’s fees and cost….. Information and guidance must be proper and accurate… If anyone in contact whatsap me or call me 9405454505

  8. Need a Pharma franchise PCD vet division in srinagar baramulla kashmir

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