How to start project of starting pharma company?


I am working in a pharma company in Jammu from last 5 years.
I want to start my own pharma company.
Kindly guide How to start this project.   


Mainly you must need two documents to start pharma company:

Read complete documentation and process here: How to start Pharma company?

In above link, you can read whole procedure but starting own pharma or any other company is not just documentation and licenses. You have to prepare mentally and financially. We can help you in this process but you have to implement it by yourself.

In your case, there may be two possibilities:

  • You can leave your job to start own company
  • You are dependent at your job for living. Can’t Leave your job

In first one, you have good financial position and able to survive for next 2 years without any income from your start-up company. In this case you can start full time and with your full efforts. But if you are dependent at your job for your expenses and living, then you have to start your own company as part time work. You have to concentrate at both side.

You can read our article: How can medical representative start his own franchise marketing? This article is officially written to suggest, how a medical representative can start own franchise marketing but same thing can be applicable for own pharmaceuticals business.

Finished below works before applying for licenses ( Click at each link to read whole process)

Start according to your budget. First give preference to products, you can sell easily. Get manufactured these products in starting. You can further increase your products after you get good response from your running products.

Hope above information is useful to you…

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