How to start pharma marketing Company? Part-2

This is general discussion discussion between our executive and our reader. it is very informative and could help to clear your many doubt in starting pharma marketing company. It is altered at some extent to clear unusual discussion and provide clear view only. Hope it will be helpful to you. We given it Name: How to start pharma marketing Company? Part-2

just catch-up How to start pharma marketing Company? Documentation, license, procedure, steps etc. Part-1 here


They may be anything right from providing information till the marketing ….don’t hesitate and just go on with what you can do from your side.
First things first.
I am a start up guy maintaining  cordial relationships with a few doctors all over my circle. Not many but upto 25 doctors. I am about to start with psychiatrists for now. I differ in making a mark as a pharmaceutical marketing firm. I discuss with doctors and make my research and ask their expert opinion regarding drugs and then only I fix to what drugs should I be providing under out brand with our trademarks.
To me stability standards and safety are the priorities. I don’t compromise on ethics and morals for money. Now guide me through the process of getting drugs manufactured by  third party manufacturers but they should come under our pharma like marketed by ———————- with our TRADEMARKS.


Trade mark is different process and third party manufacturing is different. I explain both things separately. First you need to take wholesale drug license number and GST number.
Without these no reputed third party manufacturer will manufacture your product. After taking both licenses, your firm will be formed. Finalize all things, like firm name (as you have finalized)
Choose brand names for compositions, you have selected.


Drug license number means wholesaler license under 20 b and 21 b. Right ?


Yes right


That’s over. I have it since 2015. GST is also over. Tell me the next steps. Now I am talking to doctors regarding formulations they want.


Next thing is Brand names and molecule selection.

Read here: How to fix MRP, PTR and PTS?


Doctors will be fixed and finalized today itself.
Brand names means trademarks for each and every drug I want to get manufactured right ?
I should be contacting an advocate for this right?


Yes right
Now tell me what’s the problem you are facing


Now for trademarking is there a special kind of an advocate or is anyone suitable and also the present rates for trademarking is not displayed anywhere and also another doubt is if we trademark a drug say propranolol ….what about the different variants based on their strengths..say like i want 10 20 and 40 should i go for 3 trademarks or one is enough.


Rates could be confirmed by advocates who handle trade mark process.
These advocates only handle trademark related things. In india, only five office of trade mark registry where you can apply

  • Delhi
  • Kolkata
  • Chennai
  • Ahemdabad
  • Mumbai

Trade mark doesn’t given to salt name. These are issued at brand names like
Suppose you choose ” popo ” name for propanolol
Trade mark will be given to “popo” not propanolol. This is at least two year process. If your brand name “popo ” will be registered then you can use any strength after it like popo-25 or popo-50 etc.


Oh ok so only one trademark  is enough for its all variants. No need to go for each and every strength.


Yes only one is enough for all strengths.


Now how much does we have to pay for those who handles our trademarking section….i mean what’s the proper amount based on your experience


You have to pay nearly 7500 per name. As per previous fees
4500 brand name fee
3000 is charged by advocates


3000 per name ?
Do they help in fixing the names too ?
Is it because of that they ask such amounts ?
Or we should do our searching and fix it ?


Actually its long process of nearly two year
Once you have applied, government assure that it is not used by any other company, only after confirming, Government issue registration to any name. Till then you can use only TM mark only not R. Some ask for 1000/- only but they don’t take care.
In this fee they handle all objection
But if some another company opposed you name then you have to submit fee for opposed name


We don’t need such people who doesn’t take full responsibility
Do you know anyone from chennai who could handle trademarks for us
Chennai is 500 kms from our office
I am from AP


Sir, I know only in Delhi. You can search through net in chennai.


Ok that’s fine.
Just asking….anyways we can  ultimately have the work to be done without hassles or least possible delay. Can you manage in delhi. Tell me who is efficiently related to these and will take our work if given. Tell me anyone whom you know and could get them done. Why because we won’t have to go after them. We will be busy meeting doctors and manufacturers.


I can’t handle because I also don’t have time to follow up. But i assure they will care of all your things. I can give you number and detail. You can take all details from them.


I am going to invest a huge amount and don’t know what will happen to it now
What’s a good amount in your opinion to start a allopathic pharmaceutical. Tell me then. Caution me.


Start with 4 to 5 products or as you think is essential. Because after some time you will need more money to invest for stabilizing it.
First you will invest at products
Second you will invest at doctors
Third you will invest at retailers
You are gonna to invest at three places
First time you have to available your product at all counters
You have to give commissions or tours to doctors
Second one you will receive order from chemists but not payment
Payment will come when you will supply third order to chemist for your first order
Two order payments you have to invest at all chemists you cover, plus doctor will take all his commission writing
Soon you will find stock is going to be finish, you have to re order it
Here you will also have to invest
Now calculate how you have to invest to survive your initial phase to take your company in profit
That was as per my experience
If you have better option then you can do any thing different. If you have better plan then you can share it with me.

Read here:  How to calculate profit margin in pharma marketing?


I am thinking about all the things you have mentioned
And in terms of money. How many lakhs is a safe bet ? Just give me a figure. I have tied with only doctors who have their own counters. husband and wife as doctor clinics. And inpatient doctors with own hospitals. I am starting with only one division- Psychiatry


That’s good
You can start with 5 to 7 lakh in starting

Read Here: How much investment is required to start pharma marketing company?


I will be finalizing by medicines list today…
What else documentation should i get done before starting or approach  third party manufacturers
I have wholesale license GST number
I have my visiting card as MANAGER and the firms card and the current accounts needed


They will ask for only license or GST
Not any other
Make agreement with them


I have a few new formulations in my mind
How should i proceed with them
 And also what I feel – it is very important for me to meet the manufacturers in personal for the first time rather then mailing them or contacting them on phone. What do you suggest?


Meeting will be better
You can visit their factory to check quality standards


I am thinking of puducherry tamilnadu to meet manufacturers but for psychiatry drugs and allopathy do you suggest any zones like HP or solan or any other manufacturers. I need quality and stability


Poducherry is good option because it is nearby to you.

Read Here: What is third part manufacturing and how to get your products manufactured?


My first preference is for the patient. Even if i loose money i am good with that but can’t compromise for ethics and morals.
From where you get inspiration of all details.


Actually during job
I learned nearly all sections like marketing sale production promotion advertisement etc
Remaining I learn through pharma franchise help


Wholesale license and GST number combinations are done …..Trademarks and meeting manufacturers is remaining. Should I wait for trademarks and then meet manufacturers or should i meet them in advance and get the availability and quotes and then mail them when I get the trademarking done. I am thinking like why waste time. let the trademarks and the meetings go hand in hand and save time and know the availability of our desired molecules and also the pricing
What do you suggest ?


Just go to meet manufacturer
Trade mark is not an issue but before choosing make sure not matching to any other company’s brand name


Before meeting the manufacturers i will ask you a few things regarding how much can i ask them regarding pricing and also regarding payments in advance. Many told me not to pay anything in advance to anyone until unless you want that product from them. They told me that once paid money won’t be recovered at all


Third party manufacturing has one simple payment term condition
25% advance. Remaining against proforma invoice. Until you finalized all packing detail and other things, you don’t need to pay any thing to them

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