Showing 155 Result(s)


Lercanidipine Lercanidipine is a dihydropyridine class calcium channel blocker. It works by relaxing and opening the blood vessels by blocking calcium channel. It lowers blood pressure and allows heart to work more efficiently. Its slow onset of action helps to avoid reflex tachycardia associated with other dihydropyridines. Indications:  Mild to moderate hypertension Side Effects:  Flushing, …


Propafenone Propafenone is 1C class anti-arrhythmic drug with local anesthetic effects and direct stabilizing action on myocardial membranes. It acts by blocking sodium channel. It slows down sodium influx into cardiac muscle cells, causing a decrease in excitability of the cells. In addition, it has beta adrenergic blocking property which is responsible for it bradycardia …


Adenosine Adenosine is an endogenously occurring purine nucleosides composed of a molecule of adenine attached to a ribose sugar molecule. It acts by hyperpolarisation of SA-node leading to depression of SA-node automatically and by prolongation of AV-conduction time which interrupts re-entry circuits and restores normal sinus rhythm. Adenosine has an main role in biochemical processes …

Phentolamine Mesylate

Phentolamine Mesylate It is a short acting α blockers. By blocking α1 receptors it produces vasodilation. Primary use of Phentolamine is in hypertensive emergencies. Inhibition of α2 receptors can increase sympathetic tone. Indications:  Pheochromocytoma, extravasation of non adrenaline or dopamine causing hypertensive episode Side Effects:  Hypotension, Diziness, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, nasal cogestation, chest pain, …


Mexiletine Its activity is similar to Lidocaine. It is used as local anesthetic as well as anti-arrhythmic by oral route. It belongs to the class 1B anti-arrhythmic drugs. It slows down conduction in heart and makes the heart tissue less sensitive. It has sodium channel blocking property and decrease action potential frequency by lengthening the …


ProcainamideIt is amide derivative of the local anaesthetic procaine which was found to have antiarrhythmic activity but was not suitable clinically due to rapid hydrolysis and marked C.N.S. effects. It inhibits sodium channel and prolongs the cardiac action potential. Restrict entry of sodium and block outward potassium current. Indications:  Premature ventricular contraction & Tachycardia, cardiac …


Amiodarone Amiodarone is come under Class III antiarrhythmic drugs. It is used in various types of cardiac dysrhythmias. It prolongs phase 3 of the cardiac action potential, the repolarization phase where there is normally decreased calcium permeability and increased potassium permeability. At SA and AV nodes, it shows beta blocker like and potassium channel and …


Verapamil The antihypertensive effect of verapamil stems from a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance without an increase in heart rate as a reflex response. It has a marked antiarrhythmic effect. Mode of Action:  Verapamil is a calcium channel blocker which acts by blocking voltage dependent calcium channels in all cases. It is a class IV …


Terazosin Terazosin is an alpha adrenergic blocker. It works by blocking the alpha adrenergic receptors on smooth muscle of the bladder and blood vessels. Terazosin relaxes veins and arteries so blood can pass easily. It also relaxes prostate and bladder neck muscles. Indications:  Mild to moderate hypertension, symptomatic relief of urinary obstruction in patients with …


Indapamide It is a vasodilator & diuretic related to thiazides. It reduces BP at doses which cause little or no diuresis. It molecule contains both polar sulfamoyl chlorobenzamide moiety and a lipid-soluble methylindoline moiety. It acts probably by interfering with ionic fluxes, including that of ca++ across vascular smooth muscle cells. Indications:  Hypertension etc. Side …
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