How to start Pharma Plant of Tablet/Capsule/Injection/Suspension/Syrup?


I am a B.Pharmacy graduate. I started my career in Pharma in 2005 in sales.

In 2015 we launched a new company in newly formed Andhra Pradesh. Our vision is to launch the company all over India. We are aiming to offer innovative, affordable medicine to the humanity.
Initially we approached third party manufacturers. We were not at all satisfied with the quality and service. Like us most of the start up companies are approaching 3rd party manufacturers and are failing in delivering the final out put.
Most of the manufacturing units in AP are having manufacturing facilities which cater only their needs. They do not manufacture for any outsiders.

Now we are planning to establish our own manufacturing unit. We have an own land of 3 acres. We need a suggestion from you:

1. whether 3 acres of land will be sufficient.
2. We are planning to set up a unit of world class facilities. We will do the set up with stringent SOPs. We are planning to set up machinery for Tablets, Capsules, Injections, Suspensions/Syrups, Antibiotics and Suppositories. Will this space of land be sufficient? What would be the approximate investment?
3.What will be the minimum number of man force required?
4.kindly enlighten us on the following:


As you mentioned you are not satisfied with quality and service then you can change manufacture and search for some reliable manufacture. Not most of start-up fails by getting manufactured products by third party manufacturing. I know many companies who are doing well as marketing company, even turnover in crores. Many big MNC companies like Sun Pharma, Mankind was started as marketing companies. Now they are big players. If you are not satisfied with quality, you can test product at independent laboratory and return whole material to manufacturer. In your case, may be you contacted with company having not good quality.

Many start-ups fail in starting, one of the main reason may be Third Party Manufacturing but many other reasons will be present there also. Procurement by third party manufacturing is like purchase department. It is as important as selling. We will discuss about it any other say. Lets come to your queries.

1. 3 acres of land is good space for start. You have to set-up two plants, one for start tablet/capsule, syrup/suspensions etc. and second for injections. You have to keep sterilized products (injection) plant separate from other dosage plants.
2. Area is good to set-up plant. you can set-up both plants in this area. Estimated budget for tablet/capsule/liquid section is as below: (Approximate rates-actual rates can be confirmed to machinery manufacturers)

  • High speed mixer for 1000 liter tank 1 number – 40000/-
  • S. S. tank- 1000 liter capacity with wheel and cover lid 2 numbers. -52000/- per tank.
  • S. S. tank- 200 liter capacity with wheel and cover lid 2 nos. -16000/- per tank.
  • Liquid filling machine double head 2 nos. – 1.10 lakh per machine
  • P.P. cap sealing machine 2 numbers – 55000/- per machine
  • Liquid filtration unit 1 no.
  • Tables 4 numbers – 450/- per kg
  • Semi Automatic capsule filling machine along with parts: Minimum of 12 lakhs
  • Tablet compression rotary: 5-7 lakh
  • Packaging: Alu-Alu machine-12 lakh /Blister machine- 4-6 lakh
  • Complete liquid plant: Approximately 10-15 lakh
  • Other requirements: 10-15 lakhs
  • Injection plant investment will be more than —crore rupees.

read in detail about pharmaceutical manufacturing plant layout here

3. You will require minimum of one Manufacturing Chemist and one analytical chemist. Other staff and labor requirements are as per production capacity.

4. Read by clicking at links:

Hope this information will be helpful to you…

For any query and suggestion, mail us at

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  1. Plz contact as thank you

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