How to start Fertilizers and Insecticide Business in India?

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Insecticides business is more profitable business as compare to pharma business. Like Pharmaceutical sector, Insecticide business is also regulated and you will require a License to start any of type of insecticide business like manufacturing, sale, stock or distribution. Insecticide Business in India is regulated under The Insecticides Act, and Rules. You need proper licensing and registration for applying manufacturing, distribution and sale of fertilizers and insecticides.

Registration of Insecticides:

How to register a Insecticide:

  • An Application has to apply for registration of an insecticide in Form I signed by proprietor, partner or duly authorized person of company to state Registration Committee. 
  • Committee may conduct direct inspection, for checking authenticity of data provided for registration of insecticides.
  • Fees in form of Demand Draft (As applicable) is required to be submitted along with application in favor of account officer of concern department
  • Registration Committee issue certificate in Form II or Form II-A 

How to apply for Grant of License to Manufacturing of Insecticides?

  • An application has to apply for manufacturing of insecticides in Form III or Form IV to Licensing Officer along with prescribed fees.
  • Separate application for license will be apply if manufacturing units are present at more than one place
  • Inspection will be carried out and a License will be issued at Form V
  • Detail of expert staff will be mentioned along with application
  • An ISI mark certificate from Bureau of Indian Standard is mandatory to apply within three months of the commencement of the manufacture
  • Licensee should have adequate machinery and plant along with safety devices for manufacturing of insecticides.
  • Manufacturing License will be granted for two years and is subject to renewal before expiration of license.

How to apply for Grand of Sale License of insecticides?

  • An Application has to apply for sale, stock, exhibits for sale or distribution of insecticides in Form VI or Form VII to Licensing Officer along with prescribed fee.
  • Separate Application is required if sale, stock, exhibition for sale or distribution at more than one place
  • License will be issued in Form VIII

How to apply for Pest Control Operator?

  • An Application has to apply for pest control operation in Form VI-A to Licensing Officer with prescribed fees
  • License is valid for Five Years from date of granting
  • A License will be issue at VI-C for stock and use Insecticides for pest control
  • Person pursuing pest control operator should possess at least a graduation in Agriculture or in Science with chemistry with minimum of 15 days training from any approved institution
  • NOC /Permission from Plant Protection Adviser to Government of India


Fertilizers are essential commodity for agriculture. For Sale, stock, distribution and manufacturing of fertilizers is required proper registration, licensing and authorization by licensing authority appointed by state government. Sale and Manufacturing of Fertilizers are regulated under Fertilizers Act & Rules.

How to apply for authorization or registration for sale, Stock and Distribution:

  • No person shall sell, offer for sale or carry any business of selling of fertilizers at any place as wholesaler or retailer except certificate of registration or authorization 
  • Person whether manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer or any dealer who want to sell, stock or distribute fertilizer has to apply in Form A1 along with prescribed fees and certificate of source in Form O to Concern Department/Authority.
  • Person will submit a Memorandum of Intimation to concern Authority.
  • After verification, Authority will issue an authorization letter/certificate of registration in Form A2.

How to apply for manufacturing license for Manufacture of Mixture of Fertilizers:

  • No person shall carry on the business of preparing any mixture of fertilizers. or special mixture of fertilizers except certificate of manufacture of mixtures of fertilizers.
  • An applicant for a certificate of manufacture for preparation of any mixture of fertilizers has to apply to the concern authority in Form D with prescribed fees. 
  • For manufacture for preparation of special mixture of fertilizers has to apply in Form E with prescribed fees to the concern authority along with attested copy of the requisition of the purchaser.
  • Plant for manufacture of mixture of fertilizer should possess laboratory facility.


  1. How to apply retail shop licence Insectiside

  2. How can registrate Retail shop licence Insectiside from government of India

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