How can a Doctor Start Pharma Company?


I’m looking to start my own pharmaceutical marketing company and I need your expertise in clarifying few areas of concern.

  1. I am a doctor by profession and I run a nursing home in my home town so if I am looking forward to start a new company can I start in my own hospital premises preferably top floor or do I need to find a new place/rented one i.e is it okay to start in hospital premises(note:I don’t have any other office space as of now)
  2. Can the ownership be made in my name or do I need to nominate any other person since I am a doctor

P.S: kindly revert to me back via mail and I ask you not to disclose my query in any other forum/3rd party clients


  1. There is condition for Drug License (Wholesale/Distributor/Stockist Drug License) that premises should be a separate and independent. You can start your company at Top floor (preferably first or second) and take drug license but that floor should fulfill minimum requirement for wholesale drug license.
  2. You can be owner of pharmaceutical marketing company irrespective of your Doctor profession but you will need to hire a registered pharmacist for taking wholesale drug license.  
  3. For complete detail How to start Pharma Company read here

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Hope above information is helpful to you… For any query and suggestion, mail us at  

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