I want to start a own pharma company


I am a first year B. pharmacy student.
I want to start a own pharma company.
Which products do I start with ?
Where from do I invest?


You can read related article at link given below…

What should I do after completing my B. Pharma ? Job or Business ! Suggest Me…

In above article you will find the query similar to you and response from our side. Its good idea to think about your own business in first year of your pharmacy graduation. I also thought about own work in pharma sector during my pharmacy graduation.

But it requires patience, knowledge, hard work, dedication, emotional intelligence, experience, time etc to establish own business in any sector. If you are ready to do above things and will prefer learning first & stop running behind money in your early job period.

Procedure to start pharma company read here: How to start pharma company

Products which should you launch depend at area you want to start and type of marketing you want to do. Types of Marketing in pharmaceutical sector read here: Pharmaceutical Marketing

Every doctor has different choice regarding molecules. Take an example of PPI’s: Few doctors prescribe omeprazole, some prefer rabeprazole, some still believe in ranitine and so on. Products selection, you have to do after complete market research.

For investment purpose, read here how much investment required to start pharma company. Regarding investment, you have to think by yourself from where you can arrange.

Hope you have find above informations helpful…

Links in article is provided to give you information about particular thing. We have covered all topics in previous articles so you can read about that after visit links.

Please send your suggestion and queries at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com

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