Showing 155 Result(s)

Rabeprazole :

Rabeprazole :  It belongs to the class of antisecretory compounds, the substituted benzimidazoles, that suppress gastric acid secretion by the specific inhibition of the H+/K ATPase enzyme at the secreatory surface of the gastric parietal cell and hence are called proton pump blockers. Indication : For the treartment of active duodenal ulcer.  Active benign gastric …

Glucosamine sulphate

Glucosamine sulphate :  Glucosamine sulphate is an amino sugar, which builds up the volume of naturally present glucosamine in the body.  The increased of glucosamine level, in turn accelerates the biosynthesis of building blocks of cartilage. Indication :  In painful conditions of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, where aspirin and other NSAIDs fail to provide a …


Diacerein:  It is an anthrquinone derivative.  It inhibits interiukin -1, an important cytokine implicated in osteoarthritis.  Diacerein has beneficial effects on the anabolic processes that occur in the cartilage.  It increases the production of transforming growth factor – b that triggers chondrocyte proliferation and stimulates the production of coilagen, proteglycans and hyaluroan . Indication :  …

Sparfloxacin :

Sparfloxacin :  It is an aminofluoquinoline and exerts its antibacterial activity via the inhibition of DNA replication of bacteria by inhibiting DNA gyrase activity.  Its absorption begins soon after oral administration. The distribution of sparfloxacin in nasal mucosa and sinus muucosa is primarily high.  It is metabolized by the liver to an inactive acylglucuronide conjugate.  …


Ondansetron: It is a potent higly selective antagonist at the 5 hydroxytryptamine receptors sbtype 3 . It can effectively control vomiting due to anticancer drugs as well as raitherapy .unlike metocloprmide , Ondansetron is not a lopomide antagonist and doesnot cause dystonia or extra pyramidal effects.  It is a carbazole with causes antinauseant and antiemtic …


L-Ornithine: Indication :  Acute and chronic liver disease fatty liver . Hepattis and post hepattis  Convalescence cirrhosis , Prophylaxis and treatment of drug induced hepatitis


GABAPENTINE: It is a valueable adjunct to other antiepileptic drugs in adult patients who have not achieved adequate control of partial seizures with these agents used alone or in combination . It has simple pharmacokinetic profile and is not protein bound . Indication: Adjunctive therapy in the treatment of partial seizures with secondary generalization . …


MECOBALAMIN . It is a kind of endogenous coenzyme b12. Mecobalamin plays an important role in transmethylation as a coenzyme in the symthesis of methionine from homocysteine.  Mecobalamin is well transported to nerve cell organelles ,and promotes nucletic acid and protein synthesis Indications: Peripheral neuropathy , Diabetic neuropathy  Alcoholic neuropathy , Drug induced neuropathy , …

Montelukast sodium

Montelukast sodium: It is acompetitive leukotriene antagonist . It binds with high affinity to the ltd4 receptor ,inhibiting bronchoconstriction .cysteinyl leukotrienes are important proinflammatory mediators in aasthma  They have been correlated with the pathophysiology of aasthma ,including airway edema, smoth muscle contraction , and altered cellular activity associated with the inflammatory process ,which contribute to …

Levocetrizine hydrochloride :

Levocetrizine hydrochloride :  It is aselective ,long acting peripheral h1 receptorantagonist antihistamine . The increased polarity of levocetrizine may decrease distribution of the drug into the CNS ,resulting in reduced potential for adverse CNS effects .tolerance does not occur .as it does not readily across the blood brain barrier , It does not cause sedation …
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