Showing 155 Result(s)


ORNIDAZOLE It is a 5 –nitroimidazole derivative .its an timicrobial actions are similar to metronidazole and is used similarly in the treatment of susceptible protozol infections and prophylaxis of anaerobic bacterial infections . Indication : Severve intestinal and hepatic ameobiasis , Giar –diasis , Trichomoniasis of urogential tract, Bacterialvaginosis , Treatment of susceptible anaerobic infections.


Levoflaxacin:  Levoflacxacin is asynthetic antibacterial agent of the fluoruquinolone classand is the s(-)enantiomer of the racemic drug substance ofloxacin Indication: Acute sinusitis , Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, Community acquired pneumonia, Complicated urinary tract infections including pyelonephiritis , Skin and soft tissue infections


Lansoprazole: It reduce gastric acid secretion through a highly selective mechanism of action. It produces specific dose dependent inhibition of the enzyme”h+,k+,atpase in the parietal this action inihibts the final stage of gastric acid formation  There is effective inhibition of both casual and stimulated acid secretion irrespective of the stimulus to acid formation . …

Pyridoxine :

Pyridoxine :  Pyridoxine are readily oxidized to pyridoxal which is then phosphhorylated to pyridoxal phosphate the coenzyme foam.  Pyrodoxal indepent enzymes are involved in synthesis of non essential amino acid tryptophan and sulfur containing amino acid metabolism, formation of 5-ht, dopamine, histamine, gaba and amino levulinic acid. Indication :  To prevent and treat isoniazid, ydralazine …

Methylcobalamin :

Methylcobalamin :  It is a kind of endogenous B12.  Mecobalamin plays an important role in transmethylation as a coenzyme in the synthesis of of methionine from homocysterine.  Mecobalamin is well transported to nerve cells organelles, and promotes nucletic acid and protein synthesis. Indication :  Peripheral neuropathy,  Diabetic neuropathy,  Alcoholic neuropathy,  Drug induced neuropathy,  Dementia.


Mafenamic:  Mafenamic acid exerts peripheral as well as central analgesic action Indication :  Analgesic in muscle,  Joint and soft tissue pain,  Dysmonorrhoea.  Rheumatoid and osteo arthritis,  Antipyretic.


Drotaverine: Drotaverine is a isoquinoline derivative. It does not mask signs and symptoms of a serious illness such as an acute abdomen so that diagnosis is not missed. Indications:  Control and prevention of pain and dysfunction caused by smooth muscle spasm.  Biliary and renal colics ;  Cholecystopathy associated with spstic symptoms,  Cholelithiasis, Nephrolithisis,  Peptic alcer, …

Deflazacort :

Deflazacort :  It is a glucocorticoid. Its antiflamatory and immunosuppressive effects are used in treating a variety of disease and are comparable to other anti inflammatory steroids. Indication :  Rheumoid arthritis and juvenile chronic arthritis,  Asthma and other airway disease,  Pemphigus ,  Uveities,  Nephritic syndrome,  Immune suppression in transplantation. 


Phenylpherine:  It is a frequent constituent of nasal decongestant preparation for topical use.  It is a selective a1 against, has negotiable b action and a minor component of indirect action, thus causes vasconstruction. Indication :  Nasal congestion

Cetrizine dihydrochloride

Cetrizine dihydrochloride :  It is non sedating anti histamine with potent anti-allergic acton.  It posses strong affinityfor histamine H1 receptors, and has no anti- cholinergic and anti serotoninergic effects since it does not cross blood brain barrier  It does not cause sedation or interfere with mental alertness or memory function. Indication :  Allergic rhinitis,ocular symptoms …
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