How to start marketing company of Soap and Detergent?

ayurvedic franchise company, ayurvedic manufacturing company, ayurvedic company

This query was send by our one reader. We generally receive queries related to pharma sector only. We have experience also in Pharmaceutical only. But at his request we send few details for him to start-up his soap/detergent company. Hope it is useful to him.

If any expert person related to soap/detergent industry read this, he/she can suggest us- how can we make this article useful to all our readers.


I want to start own marketing company. I would like to get manufactured products from any manufacturing company and want to sell at my own company name. Please suggest me how to start? Suppose if I start with Detergent. Then how it work and how to start?


First you have to search for manufacturer for your product. Manufacturer should give this product at your brand name. You can show marketed by address of your company. Then you need to start your own marketing company by fulfilling all requirements. Follow below steps:

  • Arrange a premises having adequate space. Premises may be owned or may be rented.
  • Apply for GST etc.
  • Apply for company registration if you have two or more partners
  • Search for manufacturer 
  • Finalize all term and condition regarding third party manufacturing i.e. rate, packing, payment term and conditions, delivery time etc.

After that manufacturer will manufacture your product. You can start promotion and marketing of your product.

For safety of your brand name and company name, you should have to go with trade name and trademark registration.

By above process, you can start any product marketing company whether it is detergent or soap. But before starting any marketing company, you should confirm from local authorities regarding any special license requirement as in case of pharmaceutical sector.


Thanks sir for your response. Information you provides was useful to me. I am in talk with one manufacturer. I have to go to him to discuss about all matter but I am confused about term and conditions. What should be term and conditions between us. In starting I want to cover two or three districts. Is it necessary to registered company or I can work with only GST Number?


Regarding term and condition, you both should discuss frankly. You should work at mutually beneficial term and conditions. Main concentration should be given at quality and payment term and conditions.

Starting with lesser area is best thing. Once you will get results, you should increase your area. You can start with only GST number at small scale.

Hope above information was useful to you….

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