What are the licenses required for a Hospital for Third Party Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Licensing?


First of all thank you for your extremely informative article “What is the difference between pharmaceutical loan licensing, third party manufacturing and pcd/franchise?”.

We are associated with a non-profit Hospital in West Bengal. We provide healthcare at lowest affordable cost to the poor and needy patients. We are in search of a system to reduce the cost of medicine as best as we can, certainly not compromising with the quality. In this regard I have gone through your above mentioned article. Now I have the following query:

What are the licenses required for a Hospital to get the medicines manufactured by Third Party Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Licensing? The Hospital will use those medicines under Generic Name, for own consumption only, and will not market to any other customer.


Hospital or any other institution require third party manufacturing by owning wholesale drug license and GST number. If you want generic medicines, you don’t need to go through third party manufacturing. You can get generic medicines from any generic medicine manufacturers directly at very reasonable rates. If you want to go into third party manufacturing. Read our article Third Party Manufacturing

Hope above information is useful to you… For any query and suggestion, mail us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com  

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