How to Change Wholesale Business Proprietorship?

Query:     How to I change medicine distributorship proprietorship from My mother name to my name?   Response: For changing proprietorship of medicine distribution agency, you have to apply for change of proprietorship of agency at local Drug Inspector Office. Visit your local Drug Inspector office and apply for change of proprietorship of distribution …

What is E-Way bill? How to generate E-way bill?

What is E-Way Bill? E-way bill is type of road permit or transportation approval that is required for movement of goods of value above 50000/- (fifty thousand rupees) amount. E-way bill is generated online through common portal by registered person or transporter. This is similar to way bill system that were adopted by many states …

Difference Between Wholesaler and Retailer

Wholesalers and retailers are important part of distribution channel in every sector. Wholesalers and Retailers are interconnected and dependent at each other for their requirements. To differentiate between these two, first we have to understand about both of them: Wholesalers: Wholesalers are the dealers or his agents who deals in supplying products to retailers, pharmacies, …

State Code for Indian Territory

Related Article: How to apply for GST registration?How to File Return under GST reforms? GST rates for Pharmaceutical Products GST rates for Ayurvedic Medicines Here we are mentioning state codes that you will need for invoicing purpose. You can use state code as mentioned below. For example, You are dispatching material to Andaman and Nicobar Island …

Difference Between Wholesaler and Distributor

Query: Please provide actual difference between Distributor & wholesaler in Pharma Sector. Response: Distributor and Wholesaler are two corresponded words. we use both word for each other. There is very difficult to differentiate between these two. Distributors and wholesalers are an important part of Distribution Channel. Both are not in direct contact with consumers. There …

Who is Production Supervisor? Definition, Job Responsibilities and Qualification

Production Supervisor: Production Supervisor is a person who look after all daily activities of work and follow the instruction of manufacturing chemist. We can say, Production supervisor as semi-technical person to conduct, initiate and perform all manufacturing processes. Number of supervisors present into a unit depend at work load and production capacity of any manufacturing …
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