What are the documents required for applying for Loan License Manufacturing

Loan License:

Loan license is just like renting a whole plant and its machinery. According to drug and cosmetic act,” A loan license means a license which a licensing authority may issue to an applicant who doesn’t have its own arrangement of manufacturing but who intent to avail himself of the manufacturing facilities of licensee.

List of Documents required for Loan License Manufacturing Approval:

List of Documentation for Application for Grant of Loan License in Form 25-A, 28-A and 32-A Duplicate copy of All documents should be submitted along with application:

  • Covering Letter 
  • Challan for the required amount under the Head of Account.
  • Statutory Forms: Form Fees 
  • Declaration of the Proprietor/Partners/Directors etc., in Affidavit-I along with Attested copies of Partnership Deed/Memorandum of Articles. 
  • Affidavit-II (Format enclosed) Attested by Notary regarding the name, address and other details of the person responsible to the day to day affairs of Company and for the conduct of business alongwith his Photograph duly attes ted. 
  • Copy of Ration Card/Passport/Electoral Card etc., in support of proof of residential address of responsible person. 
  • Consent letter from the parent firm declaring the facilities available and the details of Licences possessed indicating the category of drugs and No.of Loan Licences already held. 
  • Declaration of Technical Staff for manufacture and for Analysis
  • Declaration to the effect that whether the firm is already having any manufacturing Licence for their own Unit/Loan Licence, and if so, the details of such Licences and declaration stating the same formulations now applied were not earlier permitted either on the same brand name or under any other brand names. 

Required Documentation for Formulations Application: 

  • Consolidated list of formulations with packing particulars. 
  • Specimen Labels. 
  • Labels of similar products for non-pharmacopial drugs. 
  • Method of Test/analysis for the finished products and also for the ingredients which are not specified in any Pharmacopiea or any official compendia of Drugs Standards. 
  • Copies of monograph in respect of those drugs which are not official in I.P. 

Required Documentation for Bulk Drugs Application:

  • Brief Manufacturing procedure and flow charts along with consumption co-efficient and effluents generated and their treatment for the drugs applied for, along with the methods/procedure of Test/Analysis.

Hope above information is useful to you…   For any query and suggestion, mail us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com

Query 1:  

I wish to launch a pharmaceutical loan licence company and I want to know the detail list of documents and formalities needed for pharmaceutical loan license.  


Please find the documents needed for loan licensing

Read documents required for Loan licensing here

Query 2:

I Need complete information about a Loan License Procedure with excise procedure for pharma raw materials i.e. API’s


Excise duty always imposed at Maximum retail price of any product whether it is Finished product or Raw Material. Read in detail about Excise Duty Here


  1. Dear Sir,
    I understand the Loan License. In Loan License in the manufacturing address : the hired company name with the manufacturer address. Since Manufacturer name is not mentioned any where in the product manufacturing, how the COA/ MSDS/ DMF/ GMP/ other regulatory documents of Pharma will be of whose name ?

    1. These will be the responsibility of Hired Company because hired company is doing manufacturing activities by own at manufacturer’s premises, not by manufacturer. Manufacturer only give its manufacturing facilities, not doing manufacturing for hired company…

  2. please get in touch with me for a detailed discussion on my requirement.

    Nilender Kumar

  3. Hi

    Can I get a few names of the loan licensed manufacturer for IV infusion Bags in India


  4. I am looking for company’s offering loan licence for collagen skin 15×30 size

  5. Hai
    Can I get a few names of the loanlicensced manufacturer for collagen skin 15×30 or larger sizes in india.

  6. I am looking for company’s offering loan licence for collagen skin 15×30 size in india

  7. please suggest me how to get loan license from other company or contract manufacturing license . i want to start IV fluid manufacturing unit in central India

    1. For taking Loan license, you need to contact a manufacturer. Loan license will be applied by manufacturer on behalf of you. You can’t apply for loan license at your hand. You contact to manufacturer and ask him for applying loan license for you. Discuss all term and conditions, and formalities with manufacturer before proceed into loan license manufacturing agreement

  8. i want to apply for a loan license
    what are the documents required to enclose with the loan license application

  9. i want start my four fathers AYUR MEDICINE IN sidha s
    so could u pls give clear information
    how i can start ayur plants and research centers and products for fever to cancer ayur medicine could u pls give clear information with supporting with funding

  10. Hello,
    I am Cosmetic & Ayurvedic Loan Lic Provider…

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