For any type of Pharma Business, we require a license or registration from Drug Department. Here we are discussing about brief detail about licenses required to start a particular type of pharma business

Different types of Licences are issued by the Drug Department for Manufacture of Drugs/Cosmetics:
List of Licenses Require for Manufacturing of Drugs are as below:
  • Licence on Form 25 is issued for the manufacture for sale/distribution of Allopathic drugs other than those specified in schedule C, C(I) and X (Form 24)
  • Licence on Form 25-A is issued, for Loan Licence to manufacture for sale distribution of drugs in clause (a) above. (Form 24-A)
  • Licence on From 25-B, for re-packing for sale/ distribution of drugs mentioned in (a) above. (Form 24-B)
  • Licence on Form 25-C is issued for manufacture for sale/distribution of Homoeopathic Medicines (Form 24-C)
  • Licence on Form 25-F is issued for manufacture for sale/distribution of schedule X drugs other than those specified in schedule C & C (1). (Form 24-F)
  • Licence on Form 28 is issued for manufacture for sale/distribution of Allopathic drugs specified in schedule C & C (1) excluding those specified in schedule X (Form 27)
  • Licence on Form 28-A is issued for Loan Licence to Manufacture for sale/distribution of drugs mentioned in clause (f) above. [Form 27-A]
  • Licence on Form 28-B is issued for manufacture for sale/distribution of drugs specified in schedule C, C(1) & X, (Form 27-B.)
  • Licence on Form 28-C is issued to operate a Blood Bank for processing of Whole Human Blood and / or Preparation of Blood Components (Form 27-C)
  • Licence of Form 28-D is issued to manufacture for sale or for distribution of Large Volume Parenterals, Sera and Vaccines excluding those specified in schedule ‘X’ (Form 27-D)
  • Licence on Form 28-E is issued to manufacture for sale/distribution Blood products (Form 27-E)


License Required for Manufacturing of Cosmetic Products are:
  • Licence on Form 32 is issued for manufacture to sale/distribute of cosmetics. (Form No. 31) b) Licence on Form 32-A is issued for Loan Licence for Manufacture to sale/distribute cosmetics (Form No. 31-A)
License for Laboratory:
  • Laboratories which carry out tests on drugs, cosmetics and raw materials used in their manufacture, on behalf of licensees for manufacture for sale of drugs/cosmetics, are granted approval in Form 37, (Form No. 36)
General Documents and requirements for applying for above mention licenses are as below:
  • Prescribed Fee Deposit Receipt
  • Manufacturing Premises Site Plan providing detail of layout with dimensions in  meters
  • Key-plan that provide accurate knowledge about location of the manufacturing unit including land marks and other specifications nearby manufacturing unit.
  • Proof of constitution of Firm e.g. Proprietor’ affidavit/partnership deed/Memorandum and Article of association which is applicable.
  • Power of Attorney in the name of one or more than one partner / Director / Manager/Secretary or any person who is competent to correspond with the Drugs Control Authorities with regard to grant/Renewal etc. of licence(s).
  • List of Equipment and Machinery installed for manufacturing and testing of drugs with complete detail.
  • Attested photo copies of qualified certificates, experience letter, letter of approval, Bio data, consent affidavit and joining report of the whole time technical staff employed for the manufacturing chemist and analytical chemist.
  • List of products intended to be manufactured with detailed formula, (including Pharmaceutical aids, excipients) in proforma prescribed by drug department duly signed by authorized signatory and manufacturing chemist.
  • Proof of ownership/Rent Agreement
  • An affidavit/undertaking to the effect that neither the owner nor the firm had been convicted under the Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940.
  • All the photocopies of documents should be self attached
Read in Detail About Starting Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company
List of Licenses Require for Exhibition, Sale and Distribution of Drugs are as below:
  • Licence on Form 20 is issued for the sale of Allopathic drugs by retail other than those specified in Schedule C, C(1) and X. Application is to be submitted on Form-19.
  • Licence on Form 20-A is issued for the sale of restricted Allopathic drugs by retail other than those specified in schedule C, C(1) and X. Application is to be submitted on Form-19-A.
  • Licence on Form 20-B is issued for wholesale of Allopathic drugs other than those specified in Sch C, C(1) and X. Application is to be submitted on Form-19.
  • Licence on form 20-C is issued for sale of Homoeopathic medicines by retail. Application is to be submitted on Form-19-B
  • Licence on Form 20-D is issued for sale of Homoeopathic Medicines by wholesale. Application is to be submitted on Form – 19-B.
  • Licence on Form 21 is issued for retail sale of Allopathic drugs specified in Sch C & C(1).  Application is to be submitted on Form-19.
  • Licence on Form 21-B is issued for wholesale of Allopathic drugs specified in Sch C & C(1). Application is to be submitted on Form-19.
  • Licence on form 21-A is issued for retail sale of restricted Allopathic drugs specified in Schedule C (I). Application is to be submitted on Form-19-A.
  • Licence on Form 20-F is issued for retail sale of drugs specified in Schedule ‘X’. Application is to be submitted on Form-19-C.
  • Licence on Form 20-G is issued for wholesale of drugs Specified in Schedule ‘X’. Application is to be submitted on Form-19-C.
Read requirements for starting Wholesaler/Stockist/Distributors license:
Read requirement for starting Retail/Chemist/Pharmacy:
For sale and Distribution of Ayurvedic and Cosmetic Products, No License is required

Read More About Pharma Business:

Pharma business opportunities in India ?

Pharmaceutical Business is one of most profitable business throughout world. Main problem that is faced by most of person are from where to start, not matter whether they are from pharma background or from any other background. Read more

Pharma Marketing:Know all aspects and related articles to marketing here

Readers queries:This section is dedicated to our readers queries answers. you can read here all of our reader’s query.

How to Start Pharmaceutical/Ayurvedic (Marketing/Trading) Company in India?Every State of India has almost same form of formalities. Documentation: Drug License number (D.L. No.), Tax identification number (TIN), FSSAI Expand for more

Third Party/Contract/Loan license Manufacturing for Pharmaceutical and Ayurvedic Products:Third party manufacturing is very popular as it is simple, easier, cost effective and easy to implement. Most of pharma professionals don’t know about third party manufacturing. Pharma third party manufacturing is an outsourcing of pharma finished goods or brands from pharmaceutical manufacturer at mutual agreed term and condition. Read complete procedure here

How to start pharmaceutical manufacturing company?Procedure and documentation required for starting pharmaceutical company read here

What is Pharma/Ayurvedic Franchise and How it works?Pharma franchise is term used for the companies those do marketing and sale at franchise basis. Franchisee partner is authorized to use company name, brand name and all commercial activities on behalf of his franchise partner. Franchise distributor perform sale and marketing while franchise company act as supplier at its product. Both work at mutual beneficial agreement. Expand for more

For List of Ayuvedic Franchise/Pcd Companies click here

Elzac Herbals Vatson Remedies Sukhija Ayurvedic Pharmacy

Alphabetical List of Pharma Franchise/PCD Companies: “A” “B” “C” “D” “E” “F” “G” “H” “I” “J” “K” “L”“M” “N” “O” “P” “Q” “R” “S” “T” “U” “V” “W” “X” “Y” “Z”

How to calculate MRP:

MRP is term used for maximum retail price. MRP is inclusive of all taxes. It is the final cost that is paid by customer. For fixing mrp, companies has to consider many factors such as cost of products, market competition, other similar brand mrp’s read complete calculation

कैसे शुरू करे फार्मा फ्रेंचाइजी मार्केटिंग अगर आप भी खुद की मार्केटिंग शुरु करना चाहते है तो अभी से उस दिशा में काम शुरू कर दे। अगर आप फार्मा से है तो आपके पास कही ऑप्शन है। read more

What is ptr, pts and mrp? How to calculate these?If you are starting your own franchise marketing, you have to calculate many calculation. According to these calculation, you can find out your margin, scheme, chemist margin, stockist margin etc. We are presenting here few trick for your help Read more

Approximate budget for starting pharma/Ayurvedic marketing company

Example Product List for Pharma Franchise Companies:Just look at product list that may be good idea for your pharma franchise company start up. It is for example purpose only, you can create you product list according to your need and demand. Following factor affect your product selection: Expand for more

Know about Tax identification number/Vat/CSTStarting pharma business or any other business, you need to know about sale tax requirement for your business. Know more about tin/vat/cst

Steps for starting Pharma Franchise Marketing! 1. First prepare list of molecules or products you want to market 2. Search pharma franchise company through google, drug today, cims or any other way… Read More

Which Pharma Franchise Company (PFC) or PCD Company will be best for association? What to do before finalized your PCD or Franchise Company?As competition is increasing, daily new Pharma Franchise Companies are entering in the market. Some companies create presence in market, some struggle for existence. It becomes more difficult for Pharmaceutical Distributors or Marketing professionals or PCD distributors to choose best suitable PCD or Franchise Company for their self. Heavy advertisement in drug books, yearbooks, medical journals and news papers become trend and necessity to create market and increase sale but these ads also make choice difficult. But attractive ad, long product list doesn’t grantee for good company. Expand for more

Why Franchise concept (PCD) in Pharma industry is so popular ? Reason and Future !

Pharma franchise or PCD may be strange word for common peoples but pharma franchise is well known word for persons that are related to medicines and pharmaceutical sectors. In period of 1990’s when India begun its new era. One sector was also moving toward change in India and that was pharmaceutical sector. Franchise concept totally changed the direction of field and provided the opportunities to small enterprises and pharmaceutical professionals to grow and start their own work. The word franchise is come from the Anglo-French word means “Liberty”. If we go through history of franchise – that goes before eighteenth century. In modern time new era of franchise begins in late 19th century.Expand for more

How do Pharma franchise or PCD Companies in India and their franchise calculate net prices, Trade Rates and MRP’s?

Pharma Franchise Companies and PCD companies have simple calculation to finalize their net rates and MRP’s. Most of franchise and PCD companies finalized their net rates and MRP’s, according to market conditions, and according to their competitors. Raw material cost is basis of net rate calculation. Pharma Franchise or PCD companies provide medicines to their franchise, at net price basis. Net Prices are calculated by following formulas: Total Cost = Manufacturing cost + Packing Material Cost + Taxes + Transportation + Promotion Material + Expenses. Net Rate = Total cost X percentage of margin Click Here to Read More

Why are Pharma Franchise Companies — backbone of Indian Pharmaceutical Market?

When I started my career as a medical representative, I always heard about propaganda companies. Representatives of these companies were different from us. Their method of working was different, their approach was different. For being working for a multinational firm, I thought that these companies drug was of low standards. I was not aware how propaganda companies work. In my 6 month medical representative career– everyday in field I encountered with them. Click Here to Read more

What can Pharma Franchise Companies do to build itself as a brand?

In my daily working life, I always realize — Pharma Franchise companies have huge scope to capture market and beat competition with Direct Marketing Companies. Few things — that can make the difference for these companies. Firstly we have to study — what are the mistakes that are commonly doing by Pharma Franchise Companies (PCD)? 1. Not having Vision: Click here to read more

Few Marketing aspects and different types of Marketing techniques of Pharmaceutical sector ?

Pharmaceutical market is different from other markets in every aspect. In Pharmaceutical market you can’t approach your direct customer i.e. patient. You have to market your products to Doctors. Doctors are the primary customer to all Pharmaceutical Companies whether it is a Generic Company or Branded (So called Ethical) Company or PCD company. Different type of markets and different types of ways of work – follow by these companies. Even there is difference in considering – primary customers Click here to read more

Types of Pharma franchise marketing.

Pharma Franchise distributors are of two types. 1. Single Franchise Distributors 2. Multi Franchise Distributors. Single Franchise distributors: Click here to read more


  1. Hi.

    I am from Pune and having a Medical Store. I wanted to expand the business and so looking for any kind of distributorship,Franchise or C&F.

    Kindly let me know if you have any kind of business opportunity.

    Mahesh Bachhav

  2. Hi.

    I am from Pune and having a Medical Store. I wanted to expand the business and so looking for any kind of distributorship,Franchise or C&F.

    Kindly let me know if you have any kind of business opportunity.

    Mahesh Bachhav

  3. Dear sir
    we are —– LABS LTD KALA-AMB,HIMACHAL Pradesh. We need distributor and we want to open pharma franchises all India basis. So if you are interested please feel to contact :
    Manish kumar
    —— Labs Ltd.Kala-Amb.

  4. Need Franchise pcd price list

  5. Hello we are Offering Pharma Franchise on monopoly and PCD basis in all over india .if you are interested in Pharma PCD get in touch now.

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