How to start Homoeopathic Medicine Marketing Company?


We want to deal as a pharma marketing company in Homoeopathic products. We already have Wholesale drug licence under company name as “—— Drugs & Pharmaceuticals”. We also prepared the company logo and products list, we need. Now we have asked to some cosmetic manufacturing and homoeopathic manufacturing companies for price quotation. We are taking guidance from your websites, but you have not mentioned about homoeopathy. Sir can you give some advise or suggestions regarding marketing of homoeopathic products by 3rd party manufacturing.   


Homoeopathic medicines manufacturing, sale and distribution is covered under drug and cosmetic act & Rules. A proper license is required for manufacture, sale and distribution of Homoeopathic medicines. You will require a separate drug license for homoepathic medicines if you have allopathic/pharma wholesale drug license. You need license on Form 20-D for starting Homeopathic marketing company. License on Form 20-D is issued for wholesaling and distribution of homoeopathic medicines. If you want to market and distribute pharma and homoeopathic products then you will require separate license for each.

After completion of requirements as you can choose homoeopathic third party manufacturers for getting your products manufactured. Pharmaceutical and Homoeopathic sector are similar in rules and regulations & licensing.

Homoeopathic medicines are more complex preparations as compare to pharma products so there is requirement of more care during manufacturing, sale and distribution. For alcoholic homoeopathic preparations, you have to maintain a register and maintain complete record of purchasing and selling of medicine & record of purchaser and seller.

Homoeopathic Market in India was arround 2700 crore in 2015 and estimated to reach double at the end of 2017. It is growing with the rate of twenty percent per year in India. Every year nearly twenty thousand Homoeopaths are pass out in India and this is making homoeopathic medicines future brighter. Marketing of homoeopathic medicines is generally done similar to pharmaceutical products.You can check marketing types by clicking here

Hope this information will be helpful to you…


  1. How to start Homoeopathic Medicine Marketing Company?

  2. Interested in Homeopathic Medicine Manufacturing unit at Old Riico Industrial Area Opp Railway Station Dholpur 328 001
    Regd Office AT
    136, North Idgah Colony Near Gurdwara,
    Cell No +91 7088011313
    +91 9412259363

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