How to set-up Siddha Pharmacy?

ayurvedic franchise company, ayurvedic manufacturing company, ayurvedic company


I read your page: How to start Ayurvedic business? and it was very informative. Thanks for sharing an wonderful and useful information. I have few questions and I am awaiting for your assistance’s
Question 1: I am interested in starting up of siddha medicine creation for this what is the procedure and process.
Question 2: How to get medicine from others and sell it in my own name?
Question 3: what are the steps involved in starting up siddha pharmacy.


For siddha medicines manufacturing, you will also have to apply for granting manufacturing license at state Ayush Department. Documentations will almost similar to Ayurvedic Medicine manufacturing. Only few formalities may vary. Read about requirements for siddha medicines here at our article: How to start Ayurvedic/siddha/unani medicine manufacturing Company?

For Marketing of Sidha Medicines, you will not need any drug license, you will only require sale tax number.

If you want to sell siddha medicines from your name, you have to search for siddha drugs manufacturers and manufacturer products at third party basis. Read about third party manufacturing here

Hope above information is useful to you…   For any query and suggestion, mail us at 

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