Herbal Products For PCD Franchise Distribution and Marketing at Monopoly Rights !

Following are the products that are available at PCD basis all over India from well Known Ayurvedic Manufacturing Company…. For more Detail contact us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com

Liquid Dosage Section
Ayurvedic Propreitory Medicines
1Ashwashila GoldUseful in general debility due to premature ejacualation, nocturnal emission and retain vigour & vitality200 ml
2ElBas (Sugar Free)Ayurvedic Alkaliser Syrup useful in Stone Disorders, Dysuria, Burning Micturition, Crystalluria, Renal Calcui etc.200 Ml.
3Elz-KufAyurvedic Cough Syrup with strong Formula100 ml
4Elz-PureAyurvedic Blood Purifier Syrup useful in Pimples, Boil abscess, itching, and allied skin complaints due to blood impurity etc.200 Ml.
5ElzymEnzyme and Digestive Syrup useful in Indigestion, Loss of appetite, Flatulence, Dyspepsia etc.200 ml
6Elzym-LLiver tonic plus Enzyme Syrup useful in approving apetite and metabolism, useful in all type of infective hepatitis, provides protection against hepatotoxicity etc.200 ml
7ElcidAntacid and Antiflatulent Syrup useful in heartburn, Dyspepsia, Anorexia & Flatulence etc200 ml
8FeezacIron and Calcium Tonic200 ml
9Fire-UPAppetizer200 ml
10Five NineHeight Booster Syrup200 ml
11Heptoliv PlusAyurvedic  Liver Tonic useful in loss of appetite, Jaundice, Enlarged liver, Heptotoxicity & Malabsorption, Cirrhosis of Liver & Alcoholism etc100 ml
12Heptoliv PlusAyurvedic  Liver Tonic useful in loss of appetite, Jaundice, Enlarged liver, Heptotoxicity & Malabsorption, Cirrhosis of Liver & Alcoholism etc200 ml
13OrthozacPain Relief syrup – Useful in Backache, joint pains, Arthritis, gout etc200 ml
14Plat PillIncreases Platelets counts, increases body immunity, stimulates body enzymatic system, increases red blood cells, Cleanse body organs and gastrointestinal system from debris etc200 ml
15RemindBrain Tonic200 ml
16RetakeMultivitamin, multimineral and health supplement syrup for whole family200 ml
17SlimzacSlimming Syrup200 ml
18Trikatu Useful in stimulating the digestive fire, or agni, allowing for more efficient digestion in the stomach while promoting proper bile flow, healthy detoxification and fat metabolism200 ml
19UdramritAntacid Syrup Useful in Anorexia, Dyspepsia and Flatulence100 ml
20UtiZac (Sugar Free)An Ayurvedic Uterine Tonic useful in Menstrual cycle regulation, Dysmenorrhea, Menorrhagia, Leucorrhoea, Menopausal Syndroms etc200 Ml.
21Uvi-ToneAn Ayurvedic Uterine Tonic useful in Menstrual cycle regulation, Dysmenorrhea, Menorrhagia, Leucorrhoea, Menopausal Syndroms etc200 ml
22Uvi-ToneAn Ayurvedic Uterine Tonic useful in Menstrual cycle regulation, Dysmenorrhea, Menorrhagia, Leucorrhoea, Menopausal Syndroms etc450 ml
23Anti-CoughAyurvedic Cough Syrup with strong Formula useful in cold, dry cough, whooping cough, productive cough & cough due to tonsilitis etc100 ml
24Cough CareAyurvedic Cough Syrup with strong Formula100 ml
Juices, Ras and Kadas
1Apple CiderWeight Loss, Digestion, memory booster, Skin cleanser etc500 ml
2Arjun SwarasBeneficial  in clearing the arteries, blood clotting and increase oxygen flow to the heart. It also improves metabolic parameters, promotes thermogenesis, nourishes and strengthens the heart muscle etc500 ml
3Datu PoshtikHelpful in Balya, Increasing Sperm Count, Rasayana & Sexual Desire etc500 ml
4DiabaZacBest Ayurvedic Preparation for Diabetic Patients450 ml
5Giloy Plus RasUseful in viral infections ( like Dengue, Maleria, Chickengunea), gouts, vomiting, cardiac debility, skin diseases, anemia, cough, jaundice, seminal weakness  etc450 ml
6Shahi Gokhru Kadahelps to dissolve calculus in the urinary tract. It gives relief from the symptoms of dysuria, hematuria, frequency and burning micturition etc450 ml
7Jamun ShrikaUseful in Diabetes, Stomach disorders and anemia etc500 ml
8Kerala RasUseful for Diabetic Patients450 ml
9Shahi Aloevera KwathImmunity Boaster, useful in ageing, high blood pressure, mental stress, liver weakness, eye sights, gas, constipation, acidity etc450 ml
10Shahi Amla Plus KwathUseful in high blood pressure, mental stress, liver weakness, acidity, chronic fevers, immunity boaster, increasing digestion, provides strenght etc450 ml
11Shahi Noni Plus KwathUseful in providing strenght, relieves mental stress, liver weakness, acidity, chronic fevers, immunity boaster, increasing digestion etc450 ml
12Shahi Triphala KwathUseful in Diabetes, Bronchitis, Joint pains, Pimples, Cancer, Asthma, Psoriasis, Arthritis, Eczema, Sun Burn, Body Pain, cervical, hair loss, Graying of hair, Heart problems, Cholesterol, Digestive System, stamina, immunity, skin problems, bleeding gum, Toxins, stress, liver and kidney problems etc450 ml
Tablet/Capsule Section
1Ashvagandha PlusAshvagandha 250 mg with Lakshadi guggul 125  mh Tab60 Tab
2Calcizac-IAyurvedic Remedy for Calcium and Iron Deficiency60 Tab
3Curzac GoldCurcumin 500 mg Capsule30 Cap.
4Diabazac TabletUseful in Diabetes60 Tab
5Dr. RelaxAyurvedic Analgesic Joint Pain Relief Cap10*10
6Elbas Ayurvedic Alkaliser Syrup useful in Stone Disorders, Dysuria, Burning Micturition, Crystalluria, Renal Calcui etc.30 Cap.
7Elz-Plate UPUseful in chronic fevers like dengue, malaria etc, Enhance Platelets Count 30 Cap.
8Elzym Enzyme Tablets1000 Tab
9Elzym Enzyme Tablets100 Tab
10Glizac-TGiloy 500 mg with Tulsi 100 mg Tablet60 Tab
11Heptoliv PlusHepato-Protective Capsules30 Cap.
12Heptoliv PlusHepato-Protective Tablets1000 Tab
13Heptoliv PlusHepato-Protective Tablets100 Tab
14LivolHepato-Protective Tablets30 Cap.
15Neem PlusNeem Extract 500 mgwith Giloy 100 mg & Khadira 100 mg, Useful in Skin disorders, Anti Bacterial, Natural Antibiotic Tablets60 Tab
16OrthoZac Analgesic/Pain Killer Capsules30 Cap.
17OrthoZac GoldAnalgesic/Pain Killer Tablets30 Tab
18Plat PillIncreases Platelets counts, increases body immunity, stimulates body enzymatic system, increases red blood cells, Cleanse body organs and gastrointestinal system from debris etc30 Tab
19PilzacUseful in Piles30 Cap.
20Raktpitt Nasak GutikaUseful in all types of allergies. It also works as blood purifier and Anthelminic60 Tab
21Rejuvenator (Blister Pack)Sexual Enhancer Capsules3*1*10
22RetakeMultivitamin, multimineral and health supplement syrup for whole family60 Cap
23Saptras VatiImmunity Booster60 Tab
24Seven Power CapSexual Enhancer Capsules30 Cap.
25Women SureFemale Health Capsule60 cap
Capsules, Tablets and Vati also available in 1000’s Jar
Churna/Powder Section
1Elz-Fibe (Sugar Free)Ispaghula Husk etc, Useful in Constipation100 mg
2Elz-Fibe (Sugar Free) Orange Ispaghula Husk etc, Useful in Constipation100 mg
3No Gas ChurnaGas, Constipation, acidity, Heart burn etc60 gm
4DiabaZacBest Ayurvedic Preparation for Diabetic Patients100 gm
Oil/Soap/Facewash/Spray Section
1Dr. RelaxAyurvedic Analgesic Joint Pain Relief Oil60 ml
2Nenel Hair Oil100 ml
3Nenel Facewash100 ml
4Nenel Soap75 gm
4OrthozacAyurvedic Analgesic Joint Pain Relief Oil60 ml
5OrthoZac GoldAyurvedic Analgesic Joint Pain Relief Oil60 ML.
6OrthoZac GoldAyurvedic Analgesic Joint Pain Relief Spray100 ml
7OrthoZac GoldAyurvedic Analgesic Joint Pain Relief Roll On50 ml
8OrthoZac GoldAyurvedic Analgesic Joint Pain Relief Roll On75 ml
Ayurvedic Classical Medicines
1Abhayarishta Supportive remedy for piles and fistula-in-ano450 ml
2Amritarishta Immunostimulant in recurrent liver, spleen and pyrexic dysfunctions450 ml
3Arjunarishta Cardioprotective, hypocholesterolemic450 ml
4Arvindasavauseful in child digestive power etc.450 ml
5Ashokarishta Menstrual cycle regulator450 ml
6Ashwagandharishta Anti-stress and nervine tonic450 ml
7BabbulyadharisthaUseful in all cough etc.450 ml
8BalaristhaComplete body tonic and increases power and strength etc.450 ml
9BharingrajasavaUseful in treating mucus cough and asthma etc.450 ml
10ChandasavaUseful in stone and burning sensation in Urine450 ml
11Dashmularishta Female reproductive health normaliser after delivery, general tonic for females450 ml
12Drakshasava Anabolic tonic450 ml
13JeerakaghristhaUseful in weakness and fever after delivery in women etc.450 ml
14Kanakasavauseful in old cough and asthma etc.450 ml
15Khadirarishta Anti-dermatophytosis450 ml
16Kumariyasavauseful in anaemia, blood loss etc.450 ml
17Kutjaristhauseful in diarrhea etc450 ml
18LodhrasavaUseful in Gynaecological Disorder450 ml
19LohasavaUseful in anaemia450 ml
20Maha Mjishtha DharishtaUseful in itching, ring worm and other skin diseases450 ml
21Maharasnadi Kwath Anti-rheumatic, Anti-inflammatory450 ml
22MustakaristhaIncrease digestive power and helpful in increasing hungerness etc.450 ml
23pantragasavaWeakness remover specially helpful in women etc.450 ml
24PunarnavasavaUseful in stomach, liver diseases450 ml
25rohitakaristhaUseful in liver problems and jaundice etc.450 ml
26sarivaghasavaBlood purifier and useful in all skin diseases etc.450 ml
27sarshvtaristhaIncrease memory power and treats mental problems etc.450 ml
28ushirasavaUseful in raktpit and ajirnh etc.450 ml
29Vasakasavauseful in asthma and respiration diseases etc.450 ml
30VidangaristhaUseful in removing worms and treating all stomach problems etc.450 ml
All Asava and Aristha are also available in 200 ml, 900 ml and 5 Litre Pack on demand with Fixed Minimum Order Quanity
Tablet/Capsule Section
1Anand Bairav Ras VatiUseful in acute and chronic fever, diarrhoea, rheumatoid arthritis etc.60 Tab
2Arogya Vardhani VatiUseful in Constipation, Pimples, Diabetes, Joint pain and Fat60 Tab
3ArshKuthar RasUseful in all types of Piles30 Tab
4Chandra Prabha VatiUseful in Leucorrea, irregular menstrution, weakness, urine infeaction etc30 Tab
5Maha Yograj Guggul VatiRheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis40 Tab
6Mukta PishtiUseful in diarrhea with bleeding, Mania, Psychosis etc40 Tab
7Prataplankeswar Ras VatiUseful in chronic fever, diarrhoea etc60 Tab
8Praval PishtiNatural Calcium Source50 Tab
9Sarivadi Vati Useful in hearing problems such as tinnitus, ear infection etc60 Tab
10Vatkulantak Ras VatiUseful in Epilepsy, paralysis, facial palsy, lumbar and cervical spondylosis20 Tab
11Brahmi VatiAyurvedic Brain Tonic – useul in the treatment of depression, blood pressure etc60 Tab
12Kaishor Gugguluseful for raised uric acid, mild to severe attacks of gouty arthritis, inflammatory diseases, wounds, abdominal diseases, constipation, indigestion, diabetic carbuncles etc.60 Tab
13Amar Sundari VatiHelpful in diaphoretic and pain reliever, used in hysteria, epilepsy delirium, nervous debility & join pain, piles60 Tab
14Chitrakadi Vatigood to improve the digestion power of body, useful in treat the problems like anorexia and indigestion. has the digestive and detoxifying properties60 Tab
15Shul Varjini Vatiusefulin digestive track problems, gas, the hiccups, respiratory problems etc.60 Tab
16Ghrini Kapat Rasmalasborption syndrome, anorexia, indigestion, lack of strength, muscle wasting, difficulty in breathing etc60 Tab
17Bolbadha RasUseful in liver diseases with Pitta predominance, diabetes, bleeding hemorrhoids, abscess, hematurea and menorrhagia etc60 Tab
18Gadhak Rasayanuseful in the treatment of skin diseases, itching, chronic fever, urinary tract disorders etc60 Tab
19Triyodasang guggulUseful in all types of diseases related to nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Beneficial in gout, pain disorders, paralysis, hemiplegia, sciatica pain and all types of joint pain60 Tab
20Lakshadi Guggul useful to treat the diseases of bones. useful to treat the various problems like low bone mineral density, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and other diseases related to bones, teeth, joints and muscles60 Tab
21Kanchnar GuggulUseful in hypothyroidism, hormone imbalances, PCOS and joint pains.60 Tab
22Shilajit CapsuleHerbal Stamina Enhancer Capsules30 Cap.
Churna/Powder Section
1Abhrak BhasamUseful for respiratory disorders, liver & abdominal diseases, mental diseases and psychosomatic disorders10 gm
2Avipattikar Churna Supportive remedy for hyperacidity and constipation60 gm
3Dant Prabhakar ManjanUseful for sensitive teeths, Bad breath, Pyrrhea etc60 gm
4Hingwastak Churna Digestive and anti-flatulent60 gm
5Lavan Bhaskar Churna Digestive, carminative60 gm
6Mushli PakSexual Enhancer Churna100 gm
7Panchasakar ChurnaUseful in increasing digestive power and hunger60 gm
8Praval PishtiUseful in cough, cold excessive burning sensation, improves immunity. Natural Calcium and Vitamin C Source10 gm
9Sitopaladi Churna Bronchial antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant, with honey60 gm
10Supari Pak General tonic for reproductive health in females100 gm
11Triphala Churna Mild laxative, antibacterial100 gm
12Vang BhasamUseful in vomiting, anorexia, non healing wounds, helminthiasis, premature ejaculation, noctural emission, cough, cold, bronchitis, asthma, emaciation, weight loss, and chronic bronchial diseases10 gm
Capsules, Tablets and Vati also available in 1000’s Jar
Oil/Spray Section
1Maha Narayana OilAyurvedic Analgesic Joint Pain Killer Oil60 ml
2Shri Gopal Oil Sexual Enhancer Oil30 ml
Avela Section
1Chyawanprash All-in-One’ rejuvenating, age-sustaining and immunostimulant tonic500 gm
2VasavlehaUseful in Respiratory diseases like Cough and Troat, stomach Diseaese250 gm
Food Supplements
1Calcizac-D3Cholecalciferol 60000 IU Sachet1*20
2Elz-ProProtein Supplement Powder200 gm
3Lycobank Lycopene 5000 mcg with multivitamins, multimineral Capsule10*10 (Alu-alu)
4Folinex-DL-Methyl folate 1mg, DHA 250 mg, Methylcobalamin 1500 mcg, Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate 1.5 mg 10*10 (Alu-alu)
Unani Medicines
1Sharbat Bazoori MotadilUsed as liver tonic, diuretic and beneficial in urinary diseases, restlessness, hyperacidity, kidney disorders and fevers.450 ml
2Arq BadyanUseful in Liver, Kidney, Stomach and intestinal disorders, releases gas etc450 ml
3Arq ZeeraUseful in Liver, Kidney, Stomach and intestinal disorders, releases gas etc450 ml
On Demand Available
1BhasmaAbhrak Bhasam, Kasis Bhasam, Godanti Bhasam, Mandur Bhasam, Loh Bhasam, Shank Bhasam, Swarn Makshik Bhasam, Kukkuthandhtvk Bhasam, Vang Bhasam, Tankan bhasam, Ras sindhur Bhasam etc
2Pishti/VatiMukta Pishti, Jaharmohra Khatai Pishti, Maha Laxmi Vilas Ras Vati, Praval Pishti, Mahayograj guggul vati, Giloy Gan Vati, Balbadha Ras Vati, Vyosadhi Vati, Punarvadhi Mandur Vati, Prataplankeswar Ras Vati  etc
Term & conditions:
1GST as applicable will be charged. Propreitory 12% & Classical 5%
2Price Subject to change without Notice ( only unavoidable circumstances )
3Orders will be executed subject to availabililty to stocks 
4Breakage and Manufacturing Defects goods are replaceable. 
5Expiry is not replaceable.
6Payment : Advance
7Transport: Topay Basis
8All disputes are subject to Karnal jurisdiction only

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