Enquiry and Plan about Pharmaceutical Distribution


I am planning to start the stockists business in Chennai with 2-4 companies initially and then I will develop according to the income and no of people working in it. Actually I am in great doubt that how many workers I need and how much I need to invest in this and how much money I have to keep in bank balance offer starting investment so I need your help for this to plan for this business sir. I kindly request you to reply for this query.  


Read complete procedure to start distribution business by clicking here   Number of workers could be nil to any numbers. In starting your work will be at small scale and you can handle it alone. If you feel you can’t do it alone, you can appoint one or two works in starting as per your need and area covered by you…

Investment may depend at many factors like:

  • Documentation and office 
  • Cost of products you are dealing with
  • Quantity of products you purchase at once
  • Area and Chemist covered by you, and credit given to them
  • Number of persons you employee
  • and many more factors

In your bank account nearly same balance should be available as equal to amount invested in product purchase plus amount invested in to market through credit and promotion.

Check: How much investment is required to start Pharma Business?

Hope above information is useful to you…   For any query and suggestion, mail us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com

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