Schedule X Drugs

Schedule A B C D E F G H H1 I J K M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

What are Schedule X drugs?

Schedule X describes the habit forming and narcotics drugs list under drug and cosmetic act & rules.
Schedule X drugs mean drugs that aren’t considered safe for patients if taken without supervision of registered medical practioner and additionally these drugs can cause addiction toward these drugs if consumed for long time.


The person dispensing a prescription containing a drug specified in Schedule H and Schedule H1 and Schedule X shall comply with the following requirements in addition to other requirement of these rules.

  • The prescription must not be dispensed more than once unless the prescriber has stated thereon that it may be dispensed more than once
  • If the prescription contains a direction that it may be dispensed a stated number of times or at stated intervals it must not be dispensed otherwise than in accordance with the directions;
  • At the time of dispensing there must be noted on the prescription above the signature of the prescriber the name and address of the seller and the date on which the prescription is dispensed.
  • No person dispensing a prescription containing substances specified in Schedule H and Schedule H1 or X, may supply any other preparation, whether containing the same substance or not, in lieu thereof.


  • Substances specified in Schedule H and Schedule H1 or Schedule X shall not be sold by retail except on and in accordance with the prescription of a Registered Medical Practitioner and in the case of substances specified in Schedule X, the prescriptions shall be in duplicate, one copy of which shall be retained by the licensee for a period of two years.
  • The supply of drugs specified in Schedule H and Schedule H1 or Schedule X to Registered Medical Practitioners, Hospitals, Dispensaries and Nursing Homes shall be made only against the signed order in writing which shall be preserved by the licensee for a period of two years

List of Schedule X Drugs:

Schedule X describes the list of drugs that covered in schedule

  • Amobarbital 
  • Amphetamine 
  • Methylphenidate 
  • Barbital 
  • Methylphenobarbital 
  • Cyclobarbital 
  • Pentobarbital 
  • Dexamphetamine 
  • Phencyclidine 
  • Ethclorvynol 
  • Phenometrazine 
  • Glutethimide  
  • Meprobamate 
  • Secobarbital 
  • Methamphetamine 

Storage of Schedule X Drugs:

Substances specified in Schedule X kept in retail shop or premises used in connection therewith shall be stored:
(a) under lock and key in cupboard or drawer reserved solely for the storage of these substances; or
(b) in a part of the premises separated from the remainder of the premises and to which only responsible persons have access


No advertisement of the drugs specified in Schedule H, Schedule H1 and Schedule X shall be made except with the previous sanction of the Central Government

Schedule X drugs license:

  • Form 10A: Licence to import drugs specified in Schedule X.
  • Form 20F: Licence to sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute by retail drugs specified in Schedule X.
  • Form 20G: Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute by wholesale drugs specified in Schedule X
  • Form 25F: Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs specified in Schedule X and not specified in Schedules C and C(I)
  • Form 28B: Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs specified in Schedules C, C(I) and X

Question and Answers:

Question: What are the few examples of schedule x drug?
Answer: Example of Schedule X drugs are Amobarbital, Amphetamine, Methylphenidate, Barbital etc.

Question: The list of habit forming drugs belongs to which schedule?
Answer: Schedule X

Question: Barbital belongs to which Schedule?
Answer: Schedule X

Hope above information is helpful to you…


  1. I want methylphenidate for 3rd party manufacturing

  2. I want to buy milancipran medication for personal use and I have a valid prescription from a psychiatrist in Vimhans. I am getting in touch with you for the procurement of the same medication. Kindly help !

  3. Labeling requirements of schedule x drugs

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