Schedule P: Life Period of Drugs

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Schedule P:  

Schedule P describes the life period of drugs in months (unless otherwise specified) between date of manufacture and date of expiry which the labelled potency period of the drug shall not exceed under the conditions of storage specified in column no. 4 of schedule P.

Column No. 1 defines the serial number of drug listed.
Column No. 2 defines the name of drug listed.
Column No. 3 defines the period in months of expiry date of drug listed
Column No. 4 defines the conditions for Storage of drug listed

  • The term “cool place” means place having a temperature between 10C and 25C.
  • The term “cold place” means a place having a temperature not exceeding 8C.
  • Capsules should be kept in a well-closed container at temperature not exceeding 30 C.
  • Wherever condition of storage is not specified in Column 4, it may be stored under normal room temperature.

Schedule P1:  

Schedule P1 describes the Pack size of drugs. Schedule P1 contains Name of drug, their dosage form and pack size of listed drugs.  

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