Showing 115 Result(s)

Query related to online b2b pharma company Portal

Query: It  was very enlightening to have read your article. I am a founder ofan online b2b pharma company that sells medicines in terms of credits to retailers from wholesalers instead of cash. After reading from your article I guess that the money spent on marketing and sales by wholesalers can be effectively reduced by using my website. …

Six most successful Doctor’s Prescription generation methods in Pharmaceutical Indusrty

Prescription generation is most difficult and most essential thing in pharmaceutical sector in India. If you have capability of prescription generation, you are king of pharma world. Most of start-ups in pharmaceutical sector know very well about prescription generation and importance of prescription generation. For pharma sector – Prescription means Sale and Sale means business, …

How to start Surgical Bandages company?

Query:   I am keen to start my own company with product range of surgical bandages. Can you guide me further?   Response: If you want to start manufacturing of Surgical Bandages, you can read all requirement at our article: How to start Surgical medical manufacturing company? For surgical marketing company, you need same requirement …

What is Pharmaceutical Packaging? How to start Pharma Packaging and Promotional material Manufacturing?

Pharmaceutical sector is vast sector. Many non pharma businesses also depend at pharmaceutical sector and companies. Pharmaceutical Packaging Material suppliers are one of the important non pharma businesses that are reliable at pharmaceutical companies. Most of pharmaceutical companies outsource its packaging material. Even MNC companies also outsource when it come to packaging material. Packaging material manufacturing …

What is Business Plan? How to Prepare ?

Business Plan is an essential step while starting a business and/or growing a business. In other words it is an written live document suggesting How to start a Business and/or how to grow a business. A business plan is different for starter and running business. Both have different needs and different requirements. Business Plan varies …

What would be the Trade Margin Under New Pharma Policy?

New Pharma Policy is hot issue in pharmaceutical sector now days. There are many rumours circulating in industry about new pharma policy. Some may be true and some may be false. Most concern rumours are Banning of Contract and Loan License manufacturing, Fixing of Trade margins and removing brand name from single salt preparations. In …
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