Day: March 9, 2016

  • How to start marketing company of Soap and Detergent?

    This query was send by our one reader. We generally receive queries related to pharma sector only. We have experience also in Pharmaceutical only. But at his request we send few details for him to start-up his soap/detergent company. Hope it is useful to him. If any expert person related to soap/detergent industry read this,…

  • Schedule T:Good manufacturing Practice for Ayurvedic, Sidha and Unani Medicines

    Schedule A B C D E F G H H1 I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z SCHEDULE T (See rule 157) Schedule T is defined as the schedule of drugs and cosmetic act & rules which represents the good manufacturing practice of asu (ayurvedic, siddha and unani) medicines along with area required for premises, specification required, qualification required, recommended machinery and equipment etc. GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES FOR AYURVEDIC, SIDDHA AND…

  • Schedule S:Standards for Cosmetics

    Schedule A B C D E F G H H1 I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Schedule S:   Schedule S describes standards for cosmetics in finished form.− The following cosmetics in finished form shall conform to the Indian Standards specifications laid down from time to time by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Skin Powders. Skin Powder for infants. Tooth Powder. Toothpaste. Skin Creams. Hair Oils. Shampoo, Soap-based. Shampoo,…

  • Schedule R and R1

    Schedule A B C D E F G H H1 I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Schedule R: Schedule R describes the standards for condoms made of rubber latex intended for single use and other mechanical contraceptives I-CondomsII- Other Mechanical Contraceptive e.g. Copper T and Tubal Rings Schedule R1: Schedule R1 describes the following medical devices shall conform to the Indian Standards specifications laid down from time to time by…